Fandom House: I... I still can't believe it's over *sobs*

Jun 24, 2012 22:35

So, as I said on my last entry I watched House last episode and It was amazing!

 It keep me at the edge of my seat the whole time, though the end did not feel like the end, it feel like the end of a episodem or even a season but not like the end of the whole serie.. But let's go step by step, right?

Firstly, I loved, LOVED that the whole episode was of House struggling with the decision of whether he I wanted to live or not, knowing his only friend was dying. It felt very, very realistic and totally character and I loved it!

House's hallucinations were perfect, and I think that each of the characters that showed up (Kutner, Amber, Stacy and Cameron) were the perfect choice, and  what each one said too. But I gotta say my favorite was Cameron. I'm not even sure why, it just.. it was amazing.

Oh GOD, the scene where Wilson and Foreman are outside, and Wilson sees House and then the roof collapses brought tears to my eyes. So sad!

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And then House's funeral and I just can't...



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-Though in a side note, I'm disappointed or at least a little upset by the lack of Cuddy/Lisa Edelstein. I never was a House/Cuddy shipper, and I was not happy with them getting together in the first place but I think it wasn't right to just... ignore her existence when pretty much every character that was ever important on the show returned. I get Cuddy may hadn't wanted to go to the funeral after the way things ended between her and House, but they could have made a quick scene with her on her home geeting the news, or just show her during the funeral, I don't know...

Back to this weird review... Poor, poor Wilson. God, he made me start crying, like really crying...



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And then... House ISN'T REALLY DEAD! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!



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and he did it for Wilson!!!!!!!!! ❤


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and... THE END...




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So, yeah, I FUCKING LOVED IT!!!!!

God, I can't believe it's over, but I'm so, so glad it didn't end with Wilson's death, it would have been awful! Also, somewere I read that after Wilson's death, House would live like the person he said inspired him to become a doctor (That stoy of how when he was in Japan, he went to the hospital with a friend and no one could figure out why he was sick until they spoke to the janitor) I think that would be the only way House could go back to do what he loves; solve puzzles. I really like that thought :D

me: fandom review. kinf of, fandom: house md, me: fandom reaction

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