33 Apocalypse Ave, Saturday Evening

Aug 11, 2012 09:51

So it wouldn't be a movie night without snacks. Which was why Ronan was coming into the living room with a giant bowl of popcorn (tossed in butter with just the right amount of sea salt and a little cayenne pepper and cumin) in one hand, a couple of bottles of Guinness Foreign Extra in the other or enough for Jack and/or Emma if they are joining in ( Read more... )

where: 33 apocalypse ave, who: kaidan alenko

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icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 01:40:33 UTC
It was a little bit later when Emma finally came home, kicking off her shoes by the door and dumping her duffel bag right on top of them.

"Do I smell meatballs?"


hotceltogoth August 12 2012, 01:47:36 UTC
"Good nose!" Ronan said, laughing. "They should be done if you want to grab some. Crockpot on the counter.

"And there's Guinness."


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 02:07:18 UTC
"I have a radar for food, especially food I don't have to make," Emma reminded him, making a beeline for the kitchen.

If she came out a moment later with the entire crockpot and forks for all, well, Emma was hungry. Life with Hank meant lots of mac and cheese.


hotceltogoth August 12 2012, 02:15:16 UTC
Life with Ronan could mean mac and cheese, too, but his was usually made with rotini instead, and three cheeses, and-- okay, so basically all it had in common was that there was cheese.

Ronan laughed at the sight of the crockpot, pulling out a Guinness to hold out for Emma. "And, really, is there any other kind of food in this house?" It's not like the fridge was full of leftovers or anyth- oh, wait.


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 02:24:05 UTC
"This is why I like living with you. You cook, you're pretty, and you're moderately good company," Emma teased. "It almost makes me sad that I'll have to go back to school in a month."


hotceltogoth August 12 2012, 02:27:14 UTC
Ronan frowned. "I'd forgotten that," he admitted. "I'll have to make sure to send you care packages. Can't have you living on cup ramen and wine, after all."


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 14:48:36 UTC
"God, that would be lovely," Emma sighed. "I didn't get assigned a room on campus this year, since I'm not a freshman anymore, so I ended up renting this very dinky studio in Brooklyn. I'm not entirely sure the stove even works."


bitten_notshy August 12 2012, 02:01:09 UTC
"You came home," Jack said, sounding happier to see Emma than he'd sounded in ... a while. "I was starting to think you'd decided to stay in New York."

He wouldn't have blamed her.


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 02:09:32 UTC
"Tempting, but my stuff is here," she sighed as she came back from the kitchen with the food. "And I can only take so much of Hank's poking and 'Emma, try to lift the pencil with your brain,' 'Emma, find out how many cops are on duty on the Upper East Side with your brain,' and 'Emma, let's have you bench-press retired subway cars to see how strong you are currently,' tests."


bitten_notshy August 12 2012, 02:14:39 UTC
"You can literally lift subway cars now, or you're speaking metaphorically?" Jack asked mildly, leaning over to quickly kiss her forehead.

Everything wasn't forgiven. But it was still nice to see her.


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 02:22:05 UTC
"No, but I can punch them. It's cheaper than therapy, and I don't even break a nail," she quipped. "Hank thinks I will be able to eventually, but to be perfectly honest it's hard enough to handle things without breaking them when I'm shiny. I don't need or want more super-strength."

She was just going to wedge her way in next to him, thank you, food and all. Because everything wasn't forgiven, but he was actually glad to see her and that was good enough.


bitten_notshy August 12 2012, 02:32:41 UTC
"Super strength isn't so bad," Jack said, petting her hair with one lazy palm. "Oh, I got a ... thingie, on the island. A packmate, I suppose."


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 14:45:49 UTC
"A packmate?" Emma regarded him with mild skepticism. "And how did that happen?"

Look, most of the werewolves she'd heard of weren't friendly. Or they were George. Neither tended to be bearers of good news.


bitten_notshy August 12 2012, 15:00:38 UTC
"Maybe packmate's the wrong word," Jack acknowledged "Anyhow, he just showed up this week. Better he's on my side than not. Eric's giving him a job."


icecoldfrost August 12 2012, 22:00:51 UTC
If Eric was going to be keeping an eye on their newcomer, that was one thing, but Jack couldn't blame her if Emma was not instantly accepting of surprise!werewolves, given how his own condition had come about.

"Please tell me he didn't follow you home and is denning in the basement."


bitten_notshy August 13 2012, 00:41:10 UTC
Please. Jack wasn't instantly accepting either, so he'd hardly blame Emma for her suspicion.

Not that that kept him from teasing her.

"He said he'd prefer the back garden," he said. "He's not quite housebroken yet, so it seemed best."


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