Feb 01, 2005 18:37
Ok I have a question. Why do people base their lives around what celebrities do? I, personally, could care less. I could care less what they do and if I ever met one. So yeah they're in magazines and on TV and they make more money than we do...so what?!?! Most of them have less talent than my dog's ass. Why are these people so special that they can get whatever they want? If I had a club or restaurant..and a celebrity wanted to come in and I had a long ass line...I would absolutely not let them butt in front of other guests. I don't think they're special. They're just people (extremely spoiled, bratty people) and woopty fuckin' doo...they can act or sing (actually...most can't)...I can act and sing too and I'm sure some of you can too. Let me know what you think!