PROFILE: Belle // Disney Canon

Jan 08, 2011 18:56


Name: Belle
Age: 17
Birthdate: November 28, 1723
Birthplace: Tourtour, Provence, France
Bloodtype: B
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyesight: 20/20

Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: Medium reddish-brown; wavy, reaches a bit past shoulders when loose. Generally worn tied back in a low ponytail, with bangs short enough to stay free.
Eyes: Large, expressive, hazel-brown.
Skin: Fair, unmarked, but tans rather than burns.

Favourite food: Salads and fresh fruit.
Favourite colour: Sky blue and orange.
Favourite books: "All of them!"
Favourite music: Anything upbeat, spirited, with a flute.
Favourite animal: Most of them, but especially horses.
Favourite weather: Sunshine, spring breezes.
Favourite sport/physical activity: Horseback riding.
Preferred type: "Someone with a taste for adventure, who doesn't want to keep me home all the time, and who won't stop me from exploring and growing."

Disliked food: Not a fan of fish, but she'll still eat them, usually.
Disliked colour: Brown.
Disliked books: None of them.
Disliked music: Ballads and slow or sad songs.
Disliked animal: Boars.
Disliked weather: Rain of any kind.
Disliked sport/physical activity: None in particular.
Disliked type: "Someone who treats women as property, or who is so overprotective of me that they won't let me have any fun."

Basic nature: Enterprising.
Spends money on: Books, food for herself and her father and Phillippe.
Currently wants: More books, an adventure.
Kinsey rating: Effectively a zero, but that's because she's never considered girls before. Maybe a 1.5, if she could acclimate to the idea.
Marital status: Single.
Current occupation: None.
Current residence: Lives with her father in a tiiiiiny village near Tourtour.

Scents: Various wildflowers.
Fashion: Modest, domestic, unpretentious; typically ankle-length dresses, not at all revealing, often paired with an an apron. When outdoors and the weather requires it, she also wears a cloak. Her shoes are flats, usually simple slip-ons.
Handwriting: She can't write.
Laugh: Light, easily given, warm.
Sense of humour: Light, clean, simple.
Temper: Easily aggravated, but doesn't hold grudges.

Sun sign: Sag.
Decanate: Aries.
Moon sign: Taurus.
Rising sign: Pisces.
(Mer/Sag, Ven/Sag, Mar/Can, Jup/Cap, Sat/Sag, Ura/Sco, Nep/Tau, Plu/Vir)

Sin: Envy.
Virtue: Humility.

Dominant character traits: Free-thinking, stubborn, compassionate.
Likeable traits: Friendly, open-minded, adventurous.
Annoying traits: Opinionated, headstrong, flighty.

Mother: Deceased.
Relationship with her: None; her mother passed away in childbirth.

Father: Maurice.
Relationship with him: Very close; Maurice raised Belle all alone, and he's very supportive of all of her eccentricities, as she is of his.

Siblings: None.
Birth order: N/A.
Relationship with each: N/A.

Extended family? None known.
Close? N/A.
Why or why not? N/A.

Talents: Reading well/quickly, good with animals, needlepoint.
Hobbies: Reading, horseback riding.
Ambitions: To have a grand adventure.
Educational background: None officially.

Introvert/extrovert: Introvert.
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive.
Optimist/pessimist: Optimist.
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed.
Serious/carefree: Carefree.
Chaotic/methodical: Methodical.
Work/play: Play.
Daredevil/cautious: Daredevil.
Confident/diffident: Confident.
Passionate/indifferent: Passionate.

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