APP: Vincent Phantomhive // Mayfield

Jan 03, 2011 13:37

Name: Cassie
Personal LJ: tokyocentricity
Contact Info: AIM (tokyocentricity), email (tokyocentricity@gmail), plurk (starfishing).
Other Characters Played: None!
Preferred Housing: No preference!

Character Name: Vincent Phantomhive.
Character Series: Kuroshitsuji.
Character Age: 38.
Background: Wiki. Disregard the 'Anime Synopsis' section; I'm pulling him from the manga.

Personality: Vincent Phantomhive is known to most to be a generous, good-humoured and amiable man. He's noted for his abundant kindness, his consideration for others, and, at the same time, the darker aspects of his life. Vincent Phantomhive, like his father before him, is known as the 'guard dog' to Queen Victoria of England. On her orders, he will carry out 'morally grey' operations without question and without fail, and he has taken and ruined many lives in the course of his work for Her Majesty. It's something that, with his bleeding heart, he mourns every day, but not something that he has ever regretted. He takes immense pride in what he does, and in carrying on the illustrious Phantomhive name as his father desired him to.

He puts much of his time and effort into serving Her Majesty as well as running his company - the Funtom Company, which makes toys and games for children of all ages. However, neither of these things takes priority over the most important factor in his life: his family. His beloved wife, Rachel, and his darling son, Ciel, are the absolute world to him, and he puts their safety and happiness before everything else, including orders from Her Majesty. Were he forced to make a choice, he would sooner be a traitor to his country than a failure to his family. (Seriously, I cannot stress enough how much of a family man this guy is. You have no idea.)

With his family, friends and strangers alike, Vincent is a witty conversationalist and a social butterfly. He comes off as being naturally friendly and approachable, and makes friends very easily. The sort of generosity people might normally bestow upon their most loved ones is the sort of generosity that Vincent sees fit to bestow upon complete strangers: he invites children from the local orphanage into his home on the holidays, and donates liberally to charities as well as to individuals in need. In some respects, these things are done to ease his conscience, because he feels as though he needs to create some form of balance for all the evil he's done in his life.

The strong points of his personality are numerous, but not innumerable. He's a naturally magnetic person; others are drawn to him, and it makes him an excellent leader. His loyalties are deep and unshakable, and he doesn't shy away from hard work. While generally a 'good' person, he is also quite capable of manipulation, extortion, and other unsavory things in the name of Her Majesty or his family.

In his own opinion, Vincent's weaknesses outnumber his strengths, but he tends to be hard on himself. He's been accused of being too generous - he'll give you a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, and he will empty his pockets for you and give you the shirt off his back, even if he knows he's being duped. His softheartedness makes it nearly impossible for him to say no, and that includes the discipline of his son, which he typically leaves in his wife's hands, as he's no good at it. Children in general are a distinct weakness for him, and on the rare occasion that his work for the Queen puts him in such a position that he's had to kill a child, it's eaten him alive ever since.

His role as Her Majesty's guard dog has changed him in remarkable ways since he took the responsibility from his late father. His once-optimistic views have been dimmed, and while he'd never let you know it, his opinion of humans as a race and his hopes and dreams for the future have all been horribly warped. He has trouble really trusting people, not that it stops him from letting them take advantage. The things he's done haunt him daily, and the side of himself that he keeps in reserve for Her Majesty can sometimes slip out, causing him to go a bit overboard, especially if his family's safety is in question.

Abilities: No supernatural abilities to speak of! He's a talented man, but nothing that would be taken from him upon entering Mayfield.

Sample Entry: Sample post! I know the post itself doesn't do much for giving you a feel of the character, but I think (hope) you'll find that the particular thread I linked to does a much better job.

app, mayfield, kuroshitsuji

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