APP: Arthur Pendragon // Route

Oct 14, 2011 20:35

Name: Cassie
Livejournal Username: hotawesome
AIM: captchalogue it
Timezone: CDT (GMT-5)
Current Characters in Route: Niou Masaharu (futariniousama), Dave Strider (striderismo), Chitose Miyuki (followmi)

Name: Arthur Pendragon
Series: Merlin
Timeline: Immediately pre-S04.
Canon Resource Links: Wikia.

Personality: Arthur is described early on as a 'rough, tough, save-the-world type.' This never stops being true, though we do learn that there's much more to him than just that. He's a very devoted man, not only to the people in his life whom he cares about personally, but to his kingdom and his people, as the Prince of Camelot. He'll go to great lengths to ensure the well-being of his subjects and his friends and family, even when it means putting himself at risk or defying expectations or orders. This loyalty, however, can be a double-edged sword: it can make him nearly incapable of seeing the truth when he's blindly defending the honour of those he loves. When his sister, herself, turns against the kingdom, Arthur doesn't realize it until it's too late, despite there being signs of her changing. He wanted to believe the best of her, and so didn't allow for the possibility of her being a traitor. Once he saw the truth about her, despite being devastated by her betrayal, he did regard her as an enemy and led his knights against her. Hostile action toward his people and his kingdom is not something he takes lightly; even someone as dear to him as his sister, whom he defended against suspicions and accusations, became an enemy when she made that mistake.

As a prince and the leader of Camelot's knights, he's effectively a professional. He hides his feelings well when necessary, and he follows orders, even some that he disagrees with. When he confessed his love to Guinevere, she was taken completely by surprise - she'd had no idea how he felt. Similarly, when he doesn't see eye-to-eye with his father, he's still capable of carrying out commands without prejudice. That isn't to say that he doesn't occasionally undermine said orders - when ordered to find and imprison his servant, he instead encourages him to leave Camelot for his own safety. He cannot tolerate injustice, and since he believed Merlin to be innocent, his conscience or his morality demanded that he do what he could to save him. He's courageous enough to take these sorts of risks often and willingly.

And now that I've painted him as this magnificent princely being, I'll go on to explain how he's kind of a prat. Arthur is impatient, bossy and pretty much rude. He tends to miss subtleties, but more as a plot device: he'll get knocked out just in time to miss his servant using magic, or he'll be distracted by something, or looking the wrong way. We do see that he's actually rather observant and insightful, when he's not being manipulated for plot purposes. He recognizes that there's more to Merlin than meets the eye, even if he doesn't understand what that is, exactly. He also displays an innocent sort of narcissism, the kind born from being a prince, the apple of your father's eye and the golden boy of Camelot - consciously, he knows that his life isn't worth more than anyone else's in the grand scheme of things, even if it is from day to day. He'll gladly lay down his life to save his people or his loved ones, and that is why he's beloved to his kingdom. (Obviously not because he's a prat.)

✔ Devoted. He cares deeply for others, feels for them and will sacrifice much for the people he loves.
✔ Courageous, though not fearless. He's admitted to being afraid before, but he faces his fears head-on.
✔ Swordplay and jousting. He's been shown to be the most talented of Camelot's knights, and has been the champion of past jousting tournaments.
✔/✘ Compartmentalization. He can separate his feelings from his actions, which allows him to carry out orders he disagrees with, but also makes him look like an asshole.
✘ Blind loyalty. He wants to see the best in his loved ones, and often ends up turning a blind eye to their biggest faults.
✘ Prat. He's domineering, rude, self-centered, and kind of unpleasant to be around, especially if he's in a bad mood.
✘ Cooking. He... can't cook. At all.
✘ Pampered. He's accustomed to a certain level of luxury, and while in dire situations, he won't complain, he can be spoiled.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer.
Starter: ... M-Miltank....

First Person Sample: [ One has to assume that the feed was started prematurely, because when it rolls, Arthur is standing some distance away, his back to the camera and his attention wholly consumed by the caterwauling disaster before him. ]

Y-You're s-so mean! Why do you have such a cute Pokémon like M-Miltank, anyway? She's too cute for a jerk like you!

I didn't exactly choose her- please, stop crying.

[ The wailing grows louder, like an agitated siren. A note of irritation creeps into Arthur's voice. ]

Shouldn't you be prepared to lose?

[ When the only response he receives is a hiccup and a soft sob, he continues, his voice rising to an authoritative tone. ]

Your duty as a gym leader is to help better the trainers of this region, isn't it? You can't have a fit whenever you're meant to give away a badge; it's what you're here for. All you're doing is making yourself look like a child. It's unbecoming.

[ By the time he stops, Whitney has, too. She sniffs and puts on a pout, but opens her hand, revealing the shining Plain Badge. ]

... You're right. I know I should be happy to help, but I just hate losing, you know?

[ Arthur sighs and accepts the badge. ]

No one likes to lose, but it can be accepted gracefully.

Yeah, okay. ... You're not so bad after all! Hey, can I get your number?

[ Hear that whooshing sound? That's the sound of that line going right over the Prince of Camelot's head. He does look a little confused. ]

I... suppose so?

[ He turns to retrieve his 'Gear, and it's easy to pinpoint the exact moment when he realizes he's being filmed - his eyes widen sharply, and the 'Gear is fumbled, dropped and turned off in a hurry amidst background laughter. ]

Third Person Sample: With the amount of rain in the last few days, you'd think Arthur would have something to drink. Unfortunately, the water-types had stirred up all the standing water into mud, and he hadn't had the forethought to put something out to catch the rainwater. (And anyway, if he had, what would he have put out? He didn't exactly have a pail or anything on hand. For all the strange things in the pack he'd received, it was missing some slightly more essential items.)

Which is why he was left here, crouched in front of his rotund little pink companion, staring grimly at her belly. The teats protruded almost mockingly, bobbing when she moved. He was sure she was doing it on purpose. She beamed at him when he met her eyes, a mistake he quickly corrected by glancing down again.

It couldn't be difficult. Peasants and servants did it, so surely the Prince of Camelot could manage. With as dignified an expression as he could manage, he pushed up his sleeves and simply approached the animal straight-on. There was only an instant of hesitation before he reached for her udder and grasped a teat.

Arthur reached for the empty canteen and positioned it underneath, then squeezed. ... Nothing. He squeezed harder, to no avail.

Over the course of the next twenty-three minutes, Arthur pulled, squeezed, twisted, tweaked, tugged, pinched and otherwise molested the poor cow's udder, and still somehow failed to produce even a drop of milk. He grew increasingly frustrated, while the Miltank, unbelievably, stood idle and unfazed. She chewed a mouthful of grass and occasionally watched him in a manner he regarded as profoundly offensive.

After accidentally knocking over the canteen, he finally lost patience. "Blast!" He moved to stand up, but lost his balance and landed on his backside in the mud instead. "Damn!"

A soft whuffling noise drew his attention from the filth caked on his hands and tunic (and damn, that was just never going to come out-) and to the concerned Pokémon in front of him, who now held a bottle between her front hooves.

"Is that-" Arthur began before deciding that, alone or not, he was not going to start talking to animals. He wiped his hands on his tunic, took the bottle grudgingly and opened it. The sweet smell of fresh milk wafted out to him. He gave the Miltank an astounded look.

"Do you milk yourself?"

app, merlin, route_29

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