APP: Chitose Miyuki // Route

Sep 02, 2011 18:16

Name: Cassie
Livejournal Username: hotawesome
AIM/MSN: captchalogue it (AIM)
Timezone: CDT (GMT-6)
Current Characters in Route: Sebastian Michaelis (lovespussy), Niou Masaharu (futariniousama) and Dave Strider (striderismo).

Name: Chitose Miyuki (Western order: Miyuki Chitose)
Series: Prince of Tennis
Timeline: Post chapter 286.
Canon Resource Links: FET page!

Personality: Miyuki is a rash, reckless kind of girl who tends to jump to conclusions without checking (or even stopping to consider) the facts. When we first meet her, she comes across a boy using her tennis racket, and immediately accuses him of being a thief. When he gives her the racket back promptly, she's mollified, so we can see that she doesn't hold grudges. She does, however, continue her trend of making assumptions - he's recovering from a tennis injury and can't lift his arm, but she assumes he just doesn't know how to play tennis.

She's quick to help out where she believes it's needed, and very determined ('I won't give up! Even if it kills me!') - she won't take no for an answer. Unsurprisingly, she's less keen on being helped, herself. When the boy witnesses her default a tennis match due to the yips (the tennis equivalent of stage fright), she's humiliated and angry. She doesn't completely disregard advice when it's given to her, but it's difficult for her to accept it right away. Her pride even drives her to avoid him for some time after that incident, but she eventually returns to continue practicing, as he suggested she should.

Being a young girl, she's easily frightened, but she's also brave, and quick to overcome her fears when the stakes are high enough. When the boy is in trouble, she rushes to his defense, even though it puts her in danger. She calls the tennis team bullying them 'cheap' and 'cowards' - she's not a fan of underhanded methods, and has a strong sense of honour and fairness for a girl her age. She's ultimately able to overcome her case of the yips because her friend's safety and honour depend on it, and her courage in turn inspires him to overcome his own weaknesses. She has the makings of an excellent leader.

Also as a girl, she expects to be treated like a lady... except when she doesn't. Miyuki wants to be one of the boys; she'd be offended if someone went easy on her out on the court because she's a girl. At the same time, though, she's offended when she's knocked on the ground ('That's no way to treat a lady!') and when she's asked embarrassing or personal questions ('Don't make a lady say it! The toilet!'). She expects equality and chivalry. Luckily, she's still young and cute enough to get her way most of the time. When she gets older, she'll probably be forced to choose.

✔ Tennis. She's a talented player for her age, and has had the benefit of playing and practicing with some of the most skilled players on the national junior high circuit.
✔ Determination. When she sets her mind to something, there's no force of nature that can stop her. 'I won't give up! Never! I won't give up! Even if it kills me!'
✔ Honour. She doesn't believe in cheating or underhanded methods, and she's quick to the defense of the weak in the face of bullying. 'What you cowards are doing is unforgivable! I'm going to make you all pay!'

✘ Yips. She's still working on overcoming her performance anxiety, and it'll be a whole new ballgame when she starts battling Pokémon, but at least she knows the trick to it now!
✘ Pride. Her pride makes it hard for her to accept help or take advice or criticism, and she often lets it get in her way and trip her up.
✘ Recklessness. Looking before leaping isn't something Miyuki's accustomed to. She tends to act first, think later, jump to conclusions and jump the gun.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer.
Starter: Larvitar.
Password: Taco Bell, hell yes.

First Person Sample: [ A shaky feed shows off some grass, spilled trail mix and an inquisitive-looking Larvitar, who points at the 'Gear. ]


What? [ The 'Gear whirls wildly before focusing on the bright face and dark eyes of a young girl. She grins. ]

Oh, it's on. Yo! I'm Miyuki, and this is my first day as a Pokémon trainer. I'm leaving the first town now. My starter is this little guy - [ The camera returns, with that same slightly nauseating spinning motion, to the Larvitar, who raises one claw tacitly, then turns back to the girl's face. ] - who's totally gonna be awesome when he evolves.

Now, what is there to catch around here? I'm already sick of Rattatas, big surprise, right?

And where can I get a bike? Help a girl out!

Third Person Sample: Looking out at the route ahead, Miyuki grins. She looks down at the Larvitar beside her.

"Pinch me, Godzilla-bro."

Obligingly, the small reptile pinches a bit of her skin between two claws. She yelps and rubs at the red spot left behind. So it's definitely not just a really awesome dream.

"Sweet." And with no further ado, she takes off running - only to be stopped in her tracks a second later by a wild Rattata appearing(!).

Godzilla-bro steps behind his trainer carefully, but she doesn't seem to notice. This is her first battle! Now is the time to set the bar for all the butt-kicking to come!

"All right! Let's go, Godzilla-bro!" Miyuki flips open her Pokégear and scans the screen, then points dramatically at the Rattata. "Sandstorm!"

A long silence follows. The Rattata cocks its head. "Ratta?"

Miyuki looks up from the 'Gear, confused, then frantically around her before spotting her Larvitar, standing quietly behind her legs. "Godzilla-bro! It's time to battle! I choose you!"

Fiercely, Godzilla-bro shakes his head.

"What d'you mean, 'no?!'" Miyuki snaps her 'Gear shut and watches her Pokémon pantomime wildly. He flails his arms and stomps in a circle, then puts his claws over his face and shrinks in on himself as much as he can. "... Dude, now is not the time for hide-and-go-seek!"

Godzilla-bro shakes his head again, frustrated, and performs the same charade more emphatically, with a few added gestures. He cowers and shakes at the end, his arms over his head.

"... You're scared to battle?"

The gloomy Larvitar nods.

"Oh...." For a second, Miyuki looks unsure. What do you do with a Pokémon that won't battle? But she's familiar with being afraid, as much as she hates to admit it, and this is one problem she definitely knows how to conquer. "Well, you know how to cure the yips, right? You've just gotta practice!"

Uneasy but willing to try, Godzilla-bro edges out from behind the girl and turns to face - an empty patch of grass? "Lar... ?"

Miyuki punches the palm of her hand. "Crap! It got away!" She gives her Pokémon a reassuring grin. "It must've known it was gonna get its butt kicked. Come on, let's find another one!"

app, route_29, prince of tennis

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