Jun 23, 2011 01:45
pretty sure i've been spoiled by plurk; you're not supposed to post to your lj every couple hours but w h a t e v e r
GIVE ME PROMPTS, and a pairing/character/whatev, and i will write a sentence for you. as many as you want, but i don't promise they'll all get done. i'm not a machine like kia. (unsure)
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It was probably not a good thing, John reasoned, that Vriska's first 'human date' didn't actually make it past dinner, much less a movie, before they made it past first base; if she ever dated anyone after him, they were in for a surprise.
John thought he understood troll romance pretty well, until the day that Vriska completely lost her shit, and he found himself holding an armful of crying, screaming, raging alien girl, with no idea of what to say or do, but a desperate need to say or do something to help her - and suddenly, he realized that he hadn't understood a damn thing.
one up shh i'm totally interpreting this not the way you wanted me to
"Get it get it get it get it get it!" Vriska ordered, practically climbing over John's shoulders to try to commandeer the controller, and talking so loudly that she couldn't hear John trying to tell her that the mushroom in question wasn't an extra life, it was fucking poison.
The first time Dad ever scolded John in front of Vriska, she laughed at him outright, which didn't exactly have the effect she'd hoped - Dad turned to her and delivered an even sterner lecture, which left her at something of a loss for words at the sheer audacity of it.
first kiss
"The blue ones always remind me of what I think you'd taste like," John said as he opened a pack of Gushers, "if-" and then she kissed him, and he never got to say the 'if you were a fruit snack' part, and she definitely didn't taste like blue Gushers.
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