i know i'm early but... WHY DENIM???

Mar 19, 2007 05:52

Denim Day, April 25, 2007: to bring sexual violence awareness out of the closet by wearing jeans or other denim garments. Internationally celebrated since 1999, Denim Day started as a protest of an Italian Supreme Court decision to overturn a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The Italian Supreme Court dismissed charges against a 45-year-old rape suspect because the 18-year-old victim was wearing jeans at the time of the assault.

The Court stated in its decision that “It is common knowledge… that jeans cannot even be partly removed without the effective help of the person wearing them… and it is impossible if the victim is struggling with all her might.” The judgment sparked an international protest from those who understand the dynamics of sexual violence - that it’s about domination, humiliation, and violence. This verdict became an international symbol of myth-based injustice for victims of sexual violence.

Denim Day allows you to make a powerful statement about victims' rights without saying a word.

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