Black Moonlight chapter 5 part 2

Nov 15, 2010 17:13


Black Moonlight, chapter 5 - Kings Cross, platform one and three quarters, the Hogwarts Express and the sorting hat
Pairings: Tezuka/Gakuto, Atsushi/Mizuki, Yukimura/Shiraishi, Speed Pair, Fuji/Niou, Taki/Icchan
Rating: M
Warnings: Porn and language. Plus the fact that Umbridge appears.

[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]


A man, who sat at the middle of the long-table, stood, and spoke; “This year we have an addition to our school with not only first year, but also transfer students from Japan, who will be in the years third, fourth, and fifth.” He said. “I wish you treat them well, as you do your friends.”
Then, Professor McGonagall took over. “When I call your name, you will come and sit on the stool and I will put the sorting hat on your head. After you are sorted, go to your house-table.”
“What's up with that premonition, anyway?” Ryoma asked no one in particular, though no one replied, since Professor McGonagall called out the first name from a scroll she had picked out of nowhere.

“Abercrombie, Euan.”
A boy who looked completely terrified stumbled forward and put on the hat. It looked very big on him, and probably would have fallen down to his shoulders if not for the fact that he had outstanding ears.
The hat seemed to think for a while, then the slit of mouth opened and it shouted:
One of the tables - decorated with gold and red - applauded and the boy wobbled over to it.
Soon, after the call of the name “Zeller, Rose” and the following house “Hufflepuff!” it was only them left. Professor McGonagall produced another list and looked them over, before calling the first name.

“Akutagawa, Jirou.”
Jirou, who had been bouncing where he stood as he looked around - bounced over to her and sat down on the stool, a wide smile covering on his face. “Hi~!” he said, both to the teacher and the hat. Both seemed to wonder what the kid was exactly, then the hat called out: “Hufflepuff!” Jirou bounced towards the table, then realized; “Oops, I forgot the hat.” Laughter was heard, and he laughed as well.

“Akutsu, Jin.”
It was as if the hat knew the moment Akutsu glared at it, because it quickly called out “Slytherin!”

“Amane, Hikaru.”
Amane stepped up and looked at the hat, his head tilted to the side. “Almost green and is a cone, what kind of tree are you?” The hall grew silent, and Amane smiled. Several of the tennis-players sighed. Could he never stop?
When the hat was placed on his head, it was silent for a while, then called “Ravenclaw!”
Spread applauds was heard, but they sounded hesitant. Thay guy? In Ravenclaw, of all houses?

“Atobe, Keigo.”
Atobe walked up to the hat with his usual confidence in his steps, and whispers was heard. Voices asked 'Slytherin?'.
That was why, when Atobe got the hat on his head and shouted “Ravenclaw!” the students in the hall got surprised. Atobe smirked as the Ravenclaw-table applauded and Jirou waved at him from the Hufflepuff-table. “Atobe! Atobe! Your table's beside mine!” and Atobe shook his head and smiled, a small sigh escaping his lips.

“Chinen, Hiroshi.”
A lot of the students whispered amongst themselves. This one'd end up in Slytherin for sure.
“Gryffindor!” the hat called, and a exclamation of surprise was heard throughout the hall.

“Chitose, Senri.”
He was sorted into Hufflepuff, and he sat down beside Jirou.

“Dan, Taichi.”
Dan skipped over, and several girls giggled at the cuteness of the little boy. When Dan got the hat on his head, it slipped down to his shoulders and Dan let out a surprised sound. More giggles and comments of 'cute' was heard. The hat opened it's mouth and exclaimed “Hufflepuff!” and Dan was soon seated by Chitose and Jirou. His legs dangled from the bench where he sat and he swung them lightly back and forth.

“Echizen, Ryoma.”
“Ochibi~ it's your turn~!” Eiji shouted and gave a completely uninterested Ryoma a push. Ryoma sighed and walked up to the hat. It thought for a while, then shouted; “Slytherin!” causing several to be surprised. The first-year-newly-made-third-year didn't look very evil, after all. Though of course, they didn't know how Ryoma's mind worked.

“Fuji, Shuusuke.”
Fuji smiled at Professor McGonagall. “It's 'Syuusuke', not 'Shuusuke'.” he remarked. “Please don't get it wrong again, Sensei.” McGonagall frowned. “Just put on the hat.” Fuji tilted his head to the side. “Saa. Alright.” Fuji's smile grew sinister - though it was only noticed as such by those who knew him - and he sat down on the stool. The hat was even faster at shouting out “Slytherin!” than it had been when Akutsu was sorted.

“Fuji, Yuuta.”
Again, whispers, and Yuuta growled when people said that he'd probably end up in Slytherin, since it seemed as if he was related to the previous Fuji. They both had the same name and looked quite alike. So when the hat shouted “Hufflepuff!” he let out a relived sigh. “Not in the same house as aniki. Yes.”

“Hitouji, Yuuji.”
The greenette was soon sorted into Hufflepuff as well, and the students seemed to wake up from shock after shock, and several applauded when Yuuji slipped over to the Hufflepuff-table and sat down beside Chitose.

“Hiyoshi, Wakashi.” joined Atobe and Amane, after the hat called out “Ravenclaw!” He mumbled something in Japanese - “Gekokujo..” - and the students around him - except, of course, those who understood what he said - looked confused.

“Ibu, Shinji.”
“How can there be a talking hat? It's just weird, really. Sure, a lot of the things here are weird, like the ceiling in here and the flying candles, but a talking hat? I'd never thought it'd be possible. Then again---“
It was the hat, as Kamio was too far away, who told Shinji to stop muttering. It couldn't look into his mind at the way his mouth was going. That, however, only got Shinji into talking about that. “It's not very nice to peek into people's heads.” he started, and before he continued, the hat shouted “Slytherin!”
Shinji continued to mutter as he walked over to the Slytherin-table and sat beside Ryoma, who had sat down a little bit away from Akutsu.

“Inui, Sadaharu”
Inui pushed up his glasses and sat down. He held his notebook in hand and scribbled in it. When the hat asked him “Would you mind not doing that? Are you writing down what I'm saying?” Inui stated that, no, he would not stop it and yes, he was. He continued to scribble, even as he walked over to his table after the hat had called “Ravenclaw!”

“Itsuki, Marehiko.”
Itsuki gave Taki an uncertain gaze, then walked up to the hat. It was very quick to decide “Hufflepuff!” and Itsuki asked it; “Will I be in the same house as Hagi-chan? I want to be.” Please?”
The hat sighed softly, and if it had been a person, it would have shook it's head. “Boy, you should just take care of the problem, instead of just hesitating about it.” and Itsuki blushed. “...nande..?”

“Kaidoh, Kaoru.” and “Kajimoto, Takahisa.” both followed Itsuki to Hufflepuff, and Kaidoh shuddered as he stumbled towards the table. There was just too much supernatural stuff. And there was a lot of ghosts in the hall, too, which terrified him. Kajimoto had to push him the rest of the way up to their friends, because Kaidoh had frozen in his place when he saw a ghost covered in blood.

“Kamio, Akira”
Kamio was up by the hat in a flash, and was soon sorted by a hat that told him to calm down. “Gryffindor!”

“Kikumaru, Eiji.”
Eiji couldn't help it, he took the distance in one long jump with several somersaults - causing several in the hall to gape in awe - and he squealed in delight when the hat was placed on his head. “Gryffindor!”

“Kirihara, Akaya.”
When Akaya got the hat on his head, the hat got silent. “Interesting.” It said after a while. Akaya glanced up at the brim of the hat that was right above his eyes. “Hah?” “Never mind.” The hat replied, then shouted; “Gryffindor!”

“Kisarazu, Atsushi.”
Atsushi, who had been standing by Mizuki, winked at his boyfriend and grinned, before walking up to the stool. The hat soon shouted “Slytherin!”, and those who knew him, although not that well, looked surprised. Well, several of them had mostly seen him sick, so it could be explained.

“Konjiki, Koharu.”
Koharu sauntered over to the hat and leered at some poor boy that sat by one of the tables close up. Yuuji shouted “That's adultery!” from where he was sitting, but his voice was drowned out by the hat calling out “Ravenclaw!”

“Marui, Bunta.”
The pink-haired blew a bubble, and when it popped, it stuck to his face. He poked at it and looked up when he heard squeals of 'cute!' from the tables. “Eh?”
“Gryffindor!” the hat called, and Bunta hurried over to Akaya, who clung to him and smiled. “Marui-senpai, we're in the same house!”

“Mizuki, Hajime.”
Mizuki walked up to the hat and it soon called out “Slytherin!” Mizuki joined Atsushi by the green table and sighed. “Is there no purple in this place?” he asked his boyfriend with an displeased expression. Atsushi snickered. “Maa, maa.”

“Momoshiro, Takeshi.”
Kaidoh, who had been able to regain his composure, cursed, and Momo glared at him as he sat down opposite of him. “You picking a fight, Mamushi?”

“Mukahi, Gakuto.”
Gakuto, not feeling that he should lose to Eiji, made some moonsaults up to the hat, and smirked in the Seigaku-acrobat's direction when he gained awed reactions. Eiji stuck out his tongue at him and Tezuka sighed. Did those two have to be so competitive? Fuji always teasing Gakuto, Eiji and Gakuto always challenging each other. They would never stop, would they?
“Slytherin!” the hat called then, and Gakuto jumped over to the table, sat down. He eyed Tezuka, who looked back and sighed. Gakuto frowned and had to stop himself from shouting at his boyfriend to 'stop being so like that!'

“Muromachi, Touji.”
The boy with shades was sorted soon, as the hat shouted out “Hufflepuff!” and Muromachi sat down by Dan and the others.

“Niou, Masaharu.”
“Slytherin!” Niou smirked. “Puri.” and sat down beside Fuji, who smiled and placed an arm around his waist. Niou squirmed and looked down at his hands, then tugged a little at the cuffs on his shirt's sleeves. “Pupiina..” Fuji chuckled.

“Ootori, Choutaro.”
The tall boy stumbled over to the hat nervously, then sat down. “Please put Shishido-san in the same house as me.” he mumbled to the hat, who hummed. “We won't know until we get to him, will we?”
Choutaro blushed and looked down. “I-I suppose..” “Hufflepuff!” the hat then shouted, and Choutaro walked over to sit down beside Jirou, who had fallen asleep with his head on his empty plate.

“Oshitari, Kenya.”
“Yosh, Naniwa no Speed Star is going!” Kenya said and was instantly by the hat. It called out “Hufflepuff!” and he sped over to the table, sitting down with his team-mates.

“Oshitari, Yuushi.”
The blunette sat down and said “Not the same house as Kenya, if you please.” The hat ignored his request and still shouted; “Hufflepuff!” Yuushi let out a low curse and strode up to the table, sitting down by his team-mates and as far away from Kenya as he could.

“Saeki, Kojirou.”
Saeki smiled at Professor McGonagall and placed the hat on his head. The hat hummed and shouted out “Hufflepuff!” and Saeki joined said table.

“Sanada, Genichirou.”
Sanada sighed and went off to get sorted. “Hufflepuff!” the hat shouted. Sanada rose and silently walked over to the others.

“Sengoku, Kiyosumi.”
“Hufflepuff!” was heard, and the red-head winked as he passed some girls by the Hufflepuff-table before he sat down with his team-mates.

“Shiraishi, Kuranosuke.”
Yukimura patted Shiraishi's back and the teen stepped over to the hat, sat down on the stool and was declared as a “Hufflepuff!” as well.

“Shishido, Ryou.”
Choutaro looked at the hat with pleading eyes and Shishido asked it to 'please put me in Hufflepuff'. The hat ignored him as well and shouted “Gryffindor!” Shishido cursed but walked over to the red table none the less.

“Taki, Haginosuke.”
Taki was sorted in an instant, and the hat shouted out “Slytherin!” He cast a glance towards Itsuki, who pouted and gave him a sad look. Taki smiled and shrugged. It wasn't as if they'd be unable to see each other just because they were in different houses, after all. But still, it would have been better if they had been in the same house.

“Tanaka, Kouhei.”
When Kouhei was almost by the hat, he spun around with his ponytail whisking in the air as he heard whispers. “I'm a guy, damnit!” He pointed directly at a group of boys at the Slytherin-table, who looked at him in surprise. “I'm not deaf.” Then he walked the rest of the distance and winced as well when the hat shouted “Gryffindor!”

“Tanaka, Youhei.”
The red-headed twin walked up to the hat and winced when the hat bellowed “Gryffindor!” right into his ears. “Damnit, loud.”

“Tezuka, Kunimitsu.”
Tezuka cast a glance at Gakuto, who eyed him intensely. Then he walked up to the hat, put it on his head and was sorted into “Hufflepuff!” So he headed to the table and sat down at it where he could see Gakuto clearly.

“Tooyama, Kintarou.”
The first year - who had refused to wear the jumper and cloak and under his shirt, he wore his usual leopard print top and he wore his usual three-quarter-pants and tennis-shoes - jumped through the air and landed in a swirl of red hair and sunkissed skin of a boy by the hat, placed it on his head and shouted. “It's talking in my head! Cool!” The hat, who had just said hello, shouted out “Gryffindor!” a moment later. Kintarou flew through the air to the Gryffindor-table and the hat fell to the floor with a displeased grunt.

“Wakato, Hiroshi.”
Wakato smiled warmly at the teacher and she gave him a stern look, then smiled at the students by the tables and winked in Kajimoto's direction. Several girls swooned, and then the hat declared which house he would belong to. “Slytherin!” Wakato hummed and walked over to the table.

“Yagyuu, Hiroshi.”
Yagyuu bowed politely to Professor McGonagall. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor.” he said, then was waved off and placed the hat on his head. “Hufflepuff!” it called, and he smiled pleasantly to the teachers before heading to the table.

“Yanagi, Renji.”
It was a quick sorting of Renji, and the call of “Ravenclaw!” was soon heard. He sat down by Inui, and then turned his closed eyes to look forward to the head-table.

“Yukimura, Seiichi.”
The hat called out “Slytherin!” almost right away, and Yukimura smiled, then walked over to his friends. He sat down beside Fuji and they exchanged smiles.

“Zaizen, Hikaru.”
Zaizen sighed. “Finally..” He was the last one left on the floor, and it was irritation, because he wanted to find out what was wrong with his phone not working. “Gryffindor!” the hat called, and Kintarou cheered loudly over the applause, which probably were louder than before because he was last and they would finally be able to eat. Whatever it was that they were eating. There was no food on the tables or anything at all.

The headmaster - they supposed he was the headmaster, at least - stood once more, and it got silent in the hall. “To our newcomers,” he said in a booming voice with arms spread and a smile on his lips. “welcome! To our old students, welcome back! Sometimes there are proper times for speeches, but this is not the time. Dig in!”
Applauds boomed in the hall and laughter was heard when the headmaster sat down and threw his heard over his shoulder.
When the students turned back to their tables, they were filled with food and jugs of some sort of juice. The new students, first years as well as transfer students, gawked at the plates that were loaded with food. Zaizen reached for his phone, but then sighed as he remembered that no, it still didn't work.
The first ones of the transfers that dug in was Kintarou and Momoshiro, who, without hesitation, loaded their plates with food. Soon, the others followed their example and ate. Except Kamio and Shinji. They couldn't help but stare, they'd never seen so much food at the same time, and it was sort of.. shocking.. They knew that there were people who had lots of food - for example Atobe - but it was just such a shock to see so much food at the same time. When they finally started taking food, they ate a lot.

Eiji looked up with a mewl when he saw something silvery settle between him and Zaizen. He could still see the second-year-turned-fourth-year, but only through a see-through person with a funny mustache. “Uuhh.. Hi..?” he said uncertainly, and Zaizen looked up, jumped when he saw the see-through person. Ghost?
“Good day.” the ghost greeted the two teens politely. “I heard that you are transfer students from Japan, welcome to Hogwarts. I am Gryffindor's house Ghost, sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington.”
“...That's a long name.” Eiji commented. “Isn't there something shorter to say?”
“Ah, yes. Most students here call me Nearly Headless Nick.” sir Nicholas replied, and then continued when Zaizen and Eiji exchanged puzzled looks. “I was executed with a blunt axe, it took forty-five hacks before they managed to kill me. I still have my head in place, however not completely.”
Eiji and Zaizen both made faces and Zaizen put down his cutlery. Eiji looked at his food and decided to do the same. “..right.. How.. nice...”

Once the students had finished eating and the level of sound lowered, the headmaster stood up. Everyone stopped talking and hundreds of heads turned to look at him.
“While we all stomach yet another great feast I ask you for a few moments attention for the usual messages by the start of the term.” he said. “The newcomers should know that the Forest on the school grounds is a forbidden area to students - and some of our older students should also know that by now. The caretaker, Mr Filch, have asked me to for the, as he says, fourhundredthsixioeigth time remind all students that sorcery is not allowed in the corridors between the lessons, and also an amount of other things that are listed on the note on the door to Mr Filch's office. We have gotten two changes in the staff this year. We are very happy to greet professor Grubby-Plank welcome back,” he motioned towards the woman that had taken them across the lake. “she will take care of the lessons in care of magical creatures. We are also glad to introduce professor Umbridge, our new teacher in defense against the dark arts.” There was polite, but not very enthusiastic applause. Then the headmaster continued. “The selection for the house-teams in quidditch will take place the...”
He cut himself off and turned a questioning look to the woman he had introduced as professor Umbridge. She stood up, but since she wasn't much taller than when she was sitting, no one understood why the headmaster had stopped talking, but then she cleared her throat with an annoying 'hrm, hrm'-noise and it was clear that she was going to speak.
The headmaster looked surprised for a few seconds, then he sat down and looked at her attentively.
The other teachers didn't manage to hide their surprise as well. Some looked very displeased.
“Thank you very much, headmaster,” she said with a fake smile. Momo commented in an attempt at a low voice that she was not as good as Fuji and Yukimura at pretending to smile, not at all. “for there kind welcoming words.”
Her voice was high-pitched and girly, and it caused the Tanaka-twins to cover their ears and make painful expressions. Apparently, her voice hurt their sensitive hearing. She coughed again to clear her throat and continued.
“Yes, I have to say that it is very wonderful to be back at Hogwarts again!” she smiled and reveiled pointy teeth. “And to see such happy little faces looking up at me!”
No one looked happy, only surprised (or irritated, in Akutsu's, Fuji's, Yukimura's, Sanada's and several other's case) becasue they weren't kids, damnit!
“I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I am sure that we will be very good friends!”
“..I doubt it...” Akaya muttered to Kamio, who nodded in agreement. Bunta made a grimace and nodded. “Yeah, right. I bet we will.”
When she spoke again - after having cleared her throat yet again - her voice was much more business-like.
“The Ministiry of Magic have always seen the education of young witches and wizards to be of great importance. The rare gifts you were born with - or gifted with at later times - can go to waste if it isn't cared for and polished through careful education. The ancient skills that are unique to the wizarding-society have to be carried on through the generations to not get lost for ever. The treasure of magic knowledge that our ancestors gathered have to be preserved, get filled and refined of them that have been called to perform the wizard teaching profession.”
She paused and bowed to her teacher-collegues. Kamio murmured to Akaya and Bunta; “Even Shinji's random mumblings are more interesting and make more sense.” Akaya snorted. “You don't say- I agree.”
“All the men and women who have been headmasters at Hogwarts have contributed with something new to the important job to lead this historic school, and it is as it should, because without development come before stagnation and decay. But on the other hand process for the process's sake be rejected, because our well tried traditions often don't need any meddlesome changes. So a balance, between old and new, between constant and change, between tradition and innovation...”
Eiji grabbed Zaizen's wrist as the young tensai reached for his pocket and then looked up. Nearly Headless Nick gave him a miffed look and floated away, passed through Zaizen, who shuddered. Eiji made a nervous grimace. “Zaizen, the phone's not working.”
“Hah?” Zaizen looked confused. “Shimatta, did I do it again..?” he then muttered. Eiji nodded. “I lost count somewhere around sixty.” Zaizen sighed, then turned to see if he could listen until the end of professor Umbridge's speech. There was barely anyone who listened, however, and he turned to start a low conversation with Eiji, who gladly started to talk.

At the Ravenclaw-table, Amane snickered to himself, and Hiyoshi cast a glance towards him, and since he had nothing better to do, asked what he was laughing at. "The Wizards want to be wizard.” And he snickered again. Hiyoshi rolled his eyes, and then glared at Momo, who sat close by the Hufflepuff-table and had heard them; he had started laughing. Loudly, at that.
Professor Umbridge cleared her throat. “Yes, boy?” She looked directly at Momoshiro. “What is your name?”
“Momoshiro.” Momo replied. “It was just something Amane-san said, you can continue. Sorry.”
She glared at him, then put on a fake smile. She continued where she had left off. “Because some changes will be for the better, while others in due time will seem like errors of judgment. Meanwhile will some old habits be preserved, and that with all rights, while others on the other hand, which are outdated and outmoded, have to be abandoned. So let us go on, into a new age of openness, effectivity and responsibility, intent to preserve what should be preserved, to better what need to be bettered and snag customs and use, wherever we find them, that should be forbidden.”
She sat down, and when the headmaster applauded, the teachers clapping their hands only a couple of times, the students looked up and uncertainly applauded, when they realized that she was indeed finished. Then the headmaster stood up again.
“Thank you very much, professor Umbridge, that was highly enlightening.” he said and bowed to her. “And as I just said, the selection for the quidditch-teams will take place a week from now.”
“What's quidditch?” Amane asked. Hiyoshi replied. “Basically the only sport these people know about. Not very interesting. Tennis is much better.”
“Speaking of tennis. Hiyoshi.” Atobe spoke. “Where do you think we can play?”
Hiyoshi stared at him for a moment. “I've never been here before, I don't know.”

All of a sudden, there was a huge commotion, and voices called “first years and transfer students this way!”
They followed the ones shouting, and it was through a confused daze and a tired annoyance (due to professor Umbridge's speech) that they finally managed to get to their respective houses and bedrooms. They didn't really care about changing into pajamas - except a few (Yagyuu, Tezuka, Chinen, Dan, Fuji and a few others.) - and fell right into their beds. “'night.” Amane said to Hiyoshi and the red-orange cat that perched Amane's bed. Hiyoshi sighed as he changed to his pajama in light-blue and white-striped fabric, before falling onto his bed as well.

End chapter 5


Long chapter is long. But the hats song and Umbridge's speech takes up a lot of space, I suppose. Guh, how I hate Umbridge. *shudders*
I don't own any copy in english of the fifth Harry Potter-book, si I had to translate the speeches and stuff from Swedish. I'll go borrow a copy from the library as soon as I can.

harry potter, black moonlight, prince of tennis, fanfiction

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