Black Moonlight chapter 3 - Trip and Arrival

Nov 04, 2010 21:35

 Title:  Black Moonlight, chapter 3 - Trip and arrival
Pairings:  Tezuka/Gakuto, Yukimura/Shiraishi, Atsushi/Mizuki. A few new pairings are also creeping their way into the story
Rating:  T
Warnings:  Language, a few innuendos

[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]

Sanada looked out through the window and tried his best to ignore Yukimura and Shiraishi, who were sitting very close to each other. They were talking to each other in low voices, sweet nonsense words, tennis, anything between the earth and sky. It made Sanada feel somewhat sick to hear them. He sighed. Why did Yukimura and Shiraishi have to be so... lovey-dovey..? It was incredibly disturbing. He looked at the ground and could see it moving, slowly at first, then with more speed. He clenched his teeth and when the plane lifted, he heard a shout. ”I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!! WHAT DO I DOOOO? !”, causing him to loose his concentration and unclench his teeth. He felt his ears deafen and cursed in his mind over being distracted by Shitenhouji's rookie. He glared at Shiraishi, but said captain didn't hear a word of what was going on around him. Unsurprising. Yukimura didn't hear, or he just didn't care. The latter was more believable.
There would be no help from them, there.

”Kin-chan! Calm down!” Kenya tried to get the currently deafened kid to stop shouting, and Yuushi sighed. As soon as the plane steadied itself - without Kintarou stopping his shouting for even a moment - he stood up and left his cousin with his hyper-panicked team-mate. Kenya continued to shout at the first year.
He walked forward in the plane to look for another empty seat. He spotted Atobe in one of the couches with laptop in his lap and phone pressed to his ear. Atobe was already working, huh? He sure seemed to have a lot to do. Well, he knew how it felt with parental pressure, so he couldn't say he didn't understand. Had his parents decided, Yuushi would not be playing tennis, and he would be working just as much as Atobe had to. But Yuushi had refused. Atobe was just too selfless to say no, however weird it sounded to say that about Atobe of all.
Yuushi sighed and continued his pacing. He walked right into Rikkai Dai's Yagyuu Hiroshi. ”Ah, sorry.” Yuushi excused himself.
”No, pardon me.” Yagyuu apologized as well. ”If you decided to change seats, you are free to take mine. I cannot sit close by Niou-kun and the rest any longer.” And he passed Yuushi to go further back.
Yuushi looked after him for a moment, then tuned to proceed further up to the plane's nose.
When he spotted the mentioned Niou, he was sitting with Chotarou, and arguing with Shishido, who was sitting beside said junior. He could also see the Tanaka-twins, the short-haired one looking somewhat dazed, for some reason. Yuushi shrugged and sat down in the empty seat beside Choutaro.
”Oshitari-san!” Choutaro gave him a nervous smile. ”Could you help me calm down Shishido-san and Niou-san? They won't stop fighting.”
”I can see that.” Yuushi replied, then turned to his other team mate. ”Shishido, you're scaring your boyfriend.”
”B-b-boyfriend? !” Shishido sputtered, turning to snap at Yuushi as his face flushed a deep red. ”I don't have any boyfriend!”
”Hmmm...” Yuushi smirked and Shishido frowned at the knowing glint in the tensai's eyes. ”Oshitari!”

Atobe sighed and slipped a hand through his hair. He stretched and suppressed a yawn. He had been up all night to make up for the lost work he was supposed to do when he arranged the trip to England, and now he had new work. Like, who was going to take the places of the regulars?
Why couldn't just Sakakai-sensei care for that? Of course, Atobe wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly, but it was always Sakaki-sensei who decided who was allowed to be a regular.
He also had gotten more work from his father, and his head was heavy with all the facts and figures.
Someone suddenly stood beside him, and Atobe cast a glance to the side. Sengoku.
”Yo~ What're you doing?” Sengoku chimed and sat down beside Atobe.
”Working.” Atobe replied with a low grunt. ”Please leave, Sengoku.”
”Don't wanna.” Sengoku leaned across Atobe's lap and peeked at the screen. ”Uwaa~” He whistled. ”So many letters and numbers. Do you get all that?”
”Yes.” Atobe gave Sengoku's head a shove, causing the red head to slump back in the other part of the sofa. ”Don't be in the way.”
”Oooh, I'm not in the way.” Sengoku smiled and leaned his cheek against Atobe's shoulder. ”It's cozy like this.”
”No.” Atobe snapped. ”I have to finish this within the hour, and it'll be impossible to concentrate if you're here.”
”Because I'm so sexy, I'm sure~”
When Atobe stared at him with a blank expression, Sengoku winked at him. Atobe snorted. ”You never shut up, it's annoying.”
”I can shut up, too.” Sengoku protested with a small pout.
”Then try to be quiet for five minutes.” Atobe said, not taking his eyes from the screen as he scrolled down the webpage he was browsing for information. Sengoku nodded and closed his mouth, staring at the laptop screen.
”By the way Atobe---”
”That wasn't even a whole minute, Sengoku.”

Tezuka turned to look at Fuji, who stood in the aisle beside him. ”What is it, Fuji?” he asked. Gakuto glowered at the tensai.
”I was wondering if you knew anything about our living arrangements while we are in London.” Fuji smiled and decidedly ignored the redhead. Tezuka frowned.
”Would it not be easier to ask Atobe about that?”
”Saa.” Fuji let out a small chuckle and tilted his head to the side. ”He seem to be busy with Sengoku.”
”Eh?” Gakuto sounded as confused as Tezuka felt, and bounced up in his seat to see what was going on. He ignored Tezuka's comment 'Gakuto, please sit down', and eyed his captain. He could see Sengoku talking rapidly and Atobe looking very annoyed. ”Eh, how boring.” He sat down and bounced a little in his seat. Then he clutched to his boyfriend's arm. ”Kuni, let's play a game.”
”Could it wait, Gakuto?” Tezuka asked. Gakuto pouted, but didn't say anything as Tezuka turned back to Fuji. ”Atobe mentioned having arranged rooms at a hotel or something of the likes with the help of Taki. Other then that, I know nothing more then you do.”
”Then you know nothing at all.” Gakuto commented, unable to stay quiet any longer. He patted Tezuka on top of the head. ”But don't feel sad, Kuni, because I will-!”
”I am not feeling sad, Gakuto.” Tezuka cut him off. ”Was there something else, Fuji?”
”Saa.” Fuji smiled. ”I'm going to go see if Yuuta is back from the toilet.”

Fuji found Yuuta sitting with his teammates and Momo and Ryoma. Mizuki was rummaging through his bag after something, Yuuta was looking out the window while talking to the two Seigaku-regulars, and Atsushi looked green. Literally.
”Ara, I see that you are getting along. Is something the matter, Kisarazu-kun?”
Mizuki frowned and glared up at Fuji for a moment, before turning back to his bag. Atsushi didn't reply or react at all.
Yuuta, seemingly distracted, did not really react either. ”Is the conversation that interesting?” Fuji asked with a smile plastered on his lips. The smile spread in amusement. ”Or maybe it's the company that is?”
This time, Yuuta looked up, as well as Momo and Ryoma. Exclamations of ”Aniki!” and ”Fuji-senpai!” was heard.
Fuji looked between Yuuta and Momo, and the both juniors blushed. Ryoma was the one to break Fuji's stare. ”Fuji-senpai, they've been flirting with each other since we left, it's starting to get boring.”
”Oh.” Fuji glanced at the two again, and saw their blushes deepen to a nice shade of tomato. At the same time, Mizuki seemed to finally find what he was looking for. Fuji glanced at him and saw a purple plastic bag in his lap, which he was digging around in. ”Here, Atsushi-kun.” He handed his teammate another type of plastic bag and then told him to open his mouth and suck on the round pill he put in his mouth. ”I don't understand why you're still motion-sick. Didn't you take the medicine?”
”I did...” Atsushi replied wearily. Mizuki sighed, then glared as Fuji turned to look at them.
”I didn't know it was possible to get motion-sick on planes.” He giggled. ”I suppose one learn something new every day, ne?”
Atsushi muttered something, then quickly leaned over the sick bag. Mizuki patted his back and stared up at Fuji darkly, while quaims seemed to hit the boy beside him. ”What do you want, Fuji Syuusuke?”
”Saa.” Fuji tilted his head to the side. ”Not that I know who you are, but I was looking for Yuuta.”
Mizuki's eyebrow twitched, then he looked down when he felt something over his hand. Atsushi's hand was lightly squeezing his, and Mizuki looked up to see that the senior had stopped quaiming. For the moment.
Atsushi turned a chilly glare towards Fuji. ”Leave Mizuki alone, will you?”
”It doesn't seem very serious when you have that color on your face, Kisarazu-kun.” Fuji replied, but turned away none the less. ”I suppose I'll go look for someone else to keep me company. Wouldn't want to become like that curlyhaired one.”
”Ah, Fuji-senpai, wait for me.” Ryoma rose, saw Yuuta send an apologizing look towards his two senpai only to turn back to Momo. Ryoma followed Fuji, because he was bored sitting beside those two.

”Why is your hair cut so straight?”
Taki looked up from his magazine to see the brown haired Rokkaku-senior stand beside him, head tilted to his left and wonder shining in his eyes. Taki raised an eyebrow. ”Because I like it like this. Why are you asking?”
”Oooh..” The boy's eyes widened. ”You asked me a question. Nande? Nande?”
”Why, you say..” Taki sighed. ”First of, sit down, will you? It's dangerous to walk around in the plane.”
”It is? Why?” The boy sat down beside him.
”Because there's pockets in the air and the plane might jump in them.” Taki replied. ”What was your name again?”
A weird sound came from the boys nose as he smiled at him. ”Itsuki Marehiko, but you can call me Icchan.”
”I'm Taki Haginosuke.” Taki nodded. ”What's with those 'shpoof'-sounds?”
Itsuki looked confused, then smiled. ”Don't know! Why do you keep asking me questions?”
He was beaming now, Taki noticed. Was he really that happy for people asking him stuff? Heeh, odd kid. ”I can't?”
Itsuki shook his head, smile never fading. ”What are you reading?”
Taki smiled back then, and decided that this kid's sorta nice. He was.. pure, so to say. Very pure.

Shinji and Kamio were both bored, though Kamio was casting glances further up in the plane from time to time and Shinji was muttering to himself. The one who got annoyed at the other first was, maybe for the first time, Shinji. He pulled a tennis ball from his pants pocket and threw it at Kamio, who caught it more on reflex than anything else.
”Heh? Shinji?” Kamio sounded confused, and Shinji frowned.
”You're staring and staring and turning your head to look at him even though you can't see him from here. Kamio, it's annoying.”
”A-ah... Uh.. Sorry..?” Kamio looked down at the ball in his hands, then threw it back to Shinji, who caught it. ”But you know,” He caught the ball as Shinji threw it back to him and they started to throw it between each other. ”I can't really help it.”
”Haah. But Kamio usually manage to focus on his music, now he can't. I just find it sort of odd.”
”Is that so. Well, if you felt the same sort of stuff, would you be able to concentrate when the person you're feeling for is so close?”
”I wouldn't know. I've never been in love.”
”I know that, you've told me already.”
”It's not easy to know when Kamio's listening and when he isn't.”
”Oh shut up, Shinji. It's the same with you, so you can't really say things about that.”
”Huuuh... I see. Maybe so. But Kamio never listen to me, because he's busy day-dreaming.”
”You daydream more than me, Shinji.” Kamio cut him off and frowned. ”This and that and about anything and nothing. You just voice it a lot of times.”
”No I don't. That's just Kamio's imagination.”
”It's not. You mumble all the time, you know.”
Shinji tilted his head to the side, then turned to look at Sanada, who just passed. ”Do I?” He threw back the ball to Kamio, who glared at the senior.
”Do what?” Sanada looked puzzled, and Shinji explained. ”Kamio says I'm mumbling all the time. Do I do that? Weren't you sitting with Yukimura-san and Shiraishi-san, anyway?”
”Ah..” Sanada frowned. ”You do. And yes, I was.”
”Then why did you go here? The toilet's in the other end.” Kamio commented, throwing the ball to Sanada, who caught it with one hand.
”They're flirting all the time.” Sanada commented. Kamio nodded and Shinji looked between them.
”Have I missed something? Why would they do that? Unless they're dating. Are they? Maybe they are. But it's not necessary for people to date just because they're flirting. Right? Right. So maybe they aren't. But then again, I've seen them together, and they act like I think Kamio would like to act with that Osa-”
”SHINJI!” Kamio shouted, throwing the ball that Shinji just threw to him right at him as hard as he could. Shinji caught it and frowned at his friend, then noticed that Sanada was still there. ”Oh, Kamio, are you embarrassed? You don't have to-”
”Just shut uuuup!” Kamio whined.
”Hm.” Shinji grunted and threw the ball to Sanada. ”So are they? Dating.”
Sanada sighed. ”Yes.”
”And you're annoyed because they're acting like Kamio want to do with-”
”I told you to stop that, damnit!” Kamio cut him off again. ”Stupid Shinji.”

Fuji and Ryoma had finally found somewhere to sit, though they had had to tell Sanada to move. Sanada had at that time been standing up, but had sat down by Shinji och Kamio.
Now they were sitting with Dan, who apparently had given up on looking for Akutsu. He had boarded the plane, that, the boy was sure of, but he still couldn't find him anywhere on it. Ryoma didn't mention that he had seen Akutsu go back to the luggage-section, even though it would've been amusing to see Akutsu looking annoyed. It was calmer this way.
Then there was Chinen, who looked somewhat confused, since the energic first year was talking and talking and talking with him. He seemed to actually feel relieved that Ryoma and Fuji came, so that Dan didn't only focus on talking to him, since the third one that had been there from the beginning was a sleeping Muromachi. Earlier, Sengoku had been sitting there as well, but he was still at the front, annoying Atobe.

Akutsu had, as noted by Ryoma, gone back to the luggage to get away from Dan. The teen had moved around the bags somewhat to open a space for himself to rest at. He had an unlit cigarette between his lips - because even though he felt the need to smoke, he didn't want the plane to explode or something of the sorts.
And he had not wanted to have the company he now had.
Though Akutagawa Jirou currently was asleep, Akutsu still thought he was annoying. Because did he have to have such a bone-crushing grip? He wasn't a damn pillow for fucks sake!
Well, at least he wasn't hyper-active and talking, like Dan would have been. This one could actually be quiet, even if it was only while he was asleep.
If he could only pry away those arms around his waist, he could go somewhere else and not be so close to this.. sheep. Because he seemed to be one, seriously. What was with that extremely fluffy head of hair, anyway?
He didn't really want to admit it, but it was sort of comfortable. And warm.
It wasn't his fault that he fell asleep, really. He just did.


The flight ended after hours and hours of flying, and when they got to the airport, their baggage were loaded in the trunks of the cars that were standing waiting. Itsuki, who kept close to Taki in fear of loosing sight of people he knew, asked ”Why are the cars so long?”
Taki looked at him, wrung out of Itsuki's grip on his arm and took the others hand instead. ”Ask Atobe. They're his.” Then he called out to Atobe. ”Did you make sure the drivers got the map, Atobe?”
”Of course.” Atobe replied. ”I do hope they are accurate.”
”You wouldn't know.” Taki said with a smirk and tugged Itsuki with him into one of the waiting cars.
There were five cars, and there were forty-six of them, so the numbers of people in each varied sightly.


Akutsu was annoyed. There were too many people in the car, and too loud, with that one sleeping guy across his lap again - he shoved him down onto the floor of the car right away, though - and then there was Sengoku, those two Fudomine-kids talking non-stop and Tezuka and his red headed boyfriend and that weird guy he didn't know the name of but was from the school that Kawamura fought a power-player from. And then that stick-up-the-ass cap-guy.
So he was annoyed. Very annoyed. Couldn't he just beat them up so they shut their fucking mouths and left him alone? But no, apparently not. And that guy, was he staring at him with that disgustingly perverted look? Fuck, he just wanted to get out of there.


”How come all of us ended up in the same car?” Wakato asked, looking at his boyfriend and their Unit. Then he looked at the other occupants in the car. ”Are you guys from the same school?”
”Me and Muromachi-senapi are from Yamabuki-desu, and Chinen-san is from Higa-desu.” Dan chirped.
Good. Wakato thought. Now I don't even have to ask for names. Except...
”Dan, you don't have to answer for all of us.” Muromachi mumbled. ”But there's no point in telling you that, is it?”
”Ah, I'm sorry-desu!” Dan apologized. ”I didn't know you wanted to say that, Muromachi-senpai-desu!”
”Ah, no...” Muromachi sighed. ”It's fine. Just.. calm down..”
”Okay-desu!” Dan chirped and then turned to tell the Jyousei-players who they were, and lot of other data he had on them. Muromachi sighed again. This would be one long half-hour.


The loudest car was not Akutsu's, even if Akutsu would have thought so. Then again, he hadn't been bothered by Kintarou when the plane had started.
It was really the car in which Taki had dragged Itsuki. Because they had ended up getting both Kintarou and Ryoma, which made the Osakan extremely happy. It didn't help that they also had Eiji and Fuji, Saeki, Bunta and both Oshitari's.
Said cousins were currently in a verbal fight, spitting insults at each other.
It was really unknown how the fight had started, and maybe even Kenya and Yuushi didn't remember the reason. They seemed to have fun, throwing insults at each other. Or, Yuushi did.
Kenya, on the other hand, seemed to suffer quite from the comments about 'slow' and talking about 'slow things'. That though - Kenya's reactions to the unusual insults - were very entertaining, and even Kintarou could be distracted from suffocating Ryoma by the bickering cousins. It wasn't enough to make Ryoma able to get out of the grip completely, however.


Mizuki was sighing over Atsushi being motion-sick again. He had gotten better once they had gone off the plane, but once their car had started moving, he had slumped against Mizuki and muttered something only the curly-haired boy heard. Mizuki handed him a new sick bag, and Atobe wrinkled his nose to say something about not stenching up his car. He stopped and glared at Shiraishi and Yukimura, who seemed to be off in their own universe. ”Are they always like that?” he asked Zaizen who sat beside him. Zaizen cast an uninterested glance towards the two. Then he turned back to his phone's display. ”Yes.” he replied. ”It's annoying.”
”Now now, Zaizen.” Chitose said, then smiled when said boy glared at him from beneath his bangs. ”There's nothing wrong with being in love.”
”Says the leech who's got his eyes on the Seigaku acrobat.” Zaizen retorted passively.
”Eeeh, you like Eiji-senpai?” Momo asked as he butted into the conversation. Then he blushed as Yuuta snuggled up against his shoulder. Said junior had been asleep since some hour ago, and Momo had carried him to the car they were in.
”Well, you can say that.” Chitose smiled. Zaizen then spoke. ”He's just perving on everyone. He can be worse than Konjiki-senpai, so you should watch out for yourself and your boyfriend.”
”..boyfriend?” Momo tilted his head to the side. ”Who is?”
”Him.” Zaizen, Atobe and Chitose chorused, causing Momo to flinch. ”We ain't dating, we ain't.”


In the last car, it was not too loud, as boys were either asleep, or having low conversations amongst each other, not wanting to wake the sleeping ones up. It was a surprise that Niou and Shishido wasn't fighting again, but that was probably because both of them had fallen asleep against a very flushed Choutaro. Hiyoshi sat by one of the windows, reading a book about..something. When Choutaro asked what book it was, Hiyoshi had told him it was called 'Book of Lies' and Inui had filled him in that it was also called 'The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult' and asked if Hiyoshi also read the other books from the same series, such as 'Everything You Know About Sex Is Wrong', causing both Hyotei-juniors and Kaidoh, who sat between Hiyoshi and Inui, to blush.
Yagyuu adjusted his glasses and glanced at Rikkai's Data Master and noticed that he was asleep and leaning against an equally asleep Hitouji Yuuji.
Amane mumbled something - probably a pun of some sort - and laughed to himself.
Then they heard a thud and when they looked at him, they saw that it was Amane's head that had made contact with the cold window-glass, and that the red head was asleep.


Taki led them to a door to an abandoned shop and Atobe gave him a questioning look. Itsuki looked up at the sign above the door - an old drawing of a kettle - too tired to even open his mouth to ask.
When Taki opened the door and entered, he motioned for the others to follow and they stepped into a smoky bar. A man who Choutaro got scared of greeted them in English and Taki greeted him back. ”This is Tom-san, landlord here at the Leaking Cualdron.” he then introduced the man to the other teens. ”The luggage's already up, and will be moved to our rooms when we've decided who shares with who.”
”What do you mean it's already been-” Atobe was cut off by Taki. ”Magic.” Atobe frowned but didn't say anything about it.
Akutsu snorted. ”I'm not sharing a room.”
”Yes you are. We have twenty-three rooms and we are forty-six people. That means two in each rooms, no exceptions.” Taki crossed his arms. ”You might as well share with Jirou, since you're already carrying him.”
Akutsu frowned and made a motion as to drop the boy onto the floor, but Damn. That. Brat's. Fucking. Grip.


Everything else passed in a haze to almost everyone. Those who were awake decided who were sharing with who. Youhei and Kouhei dragged themselves into one room, Sengoku followed Atobe into another, was thrown out and ran in there again. Tezuka carried a sleeping Gakuto into another and Atsushi and Mizuki shared. Fuji told Momo to put Yuuta in one room so the brothers could share and Momo ended up with Ryoma. Hiyoshi and Choutaro decided for one room and Eiji dragged Kaidoh to one. Chitose carried Kintarou on his back into another room and Shiraishi and Yukimura stumbled into one, mouths attached. Wakato and Kajimoto. Kamio and Shinji. Sanada and Yagyuu, though Sanada would have preferred rooming with Renji, but he had already been put in the same room as Inui. Niou and Bunta was placed in the same room, while Shishido was put in Taki's room, to the guide's dismay. Itsuki finally let go of Taki and went into one room with Saeki, and Yuuji woke up just in time to throw himself after Koharu into a room. Dan sleepily followed an equally sleepy Muromachi into a room, and Zaizen sighed when he was followed by Kenya who was cursing Yuushi under his breath. Akaya walked into one, soon followed by Chinen. Left in the hall was a barely awake Amane, a tired Yuushi and an annoyed Akutsu with a sleeping Jirou in his arms.
”I suppose..” Yuushi supressed a yawn. ”That I'm rooming with Amane.”
Amane nodded and they both left Akutsu alone in the corridor. Akutsu cursed and strode into the only empty room, dumped Jirou on the bed - it was as if the kid knew that it was a bed he was dumped into, since he let go - and he threw himself onto the other bed. He needed a smoke, damnit. But he was just too fucking tired.

End chapter 3

Hiyoshi and Choutaro accidentially got two rooms. Good I noticed I made that mistake... *sigh*
Those books mentioned above are real books, and I have never ever been on a plane. I can imagine the interior of Atobe's private jet, though..

harry potter, black moonlight, prince of tennis, fanfiction

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