FanFic: Black Moonlight chapter 2

Sep 22, 2010 19:33

 Black Moonlight
Chapter; 2 - Preparations
Crossover; Prince of Tennis x Harry Potter
Several pairings, a few already established
Tezuka/Gakuto, Bane/Saeki, Yukimura/Shiraishi, Atsushi/Mizuki

[Chapter 1]



Jirou stared at Atobe through tired eyes and yawned. ”Kei-cha--” He yawned again. ”-aaan.. What are you doing..?”
”Exactly how many times have I told you not to call me Kei-chan, Jirou?” Atobe glanced up at Jirou and pushed up his reading-glasses. ”And I'm arranging our flight to England. I need a list of everyone we know that are going.”
”Hmmm..” Jirou tilted his head and curled up in the armchair he was sitting in. He leaned his head against the armrest. ”You're so nice.” He smiled.
Gakuto snorted as he walked into the regular-room. ”Yeah, right.”
”Atobe, I have a list that Kenya sent me,” Yuushi said as he followed his doubles partner. ”With what members from Shitenhouji and Rikkai going. I heard that a few from St. Rudolph are going as well.” He handed Atobe a piece of paper.
”See Rudoru-huh?” Jirou tilted his head to the side, looking as confused as ever.
”St. Rudolph, Jirou. You beat your opponent, Seigaku's Fuji's little brother, in less than fifteen minutes.” Yuushi remarked as he looked over Atobe's shoulder. ”Who else do you know is going, besides Seigaku?”
”Ibu and Kamio from Fudomine. Some from another no-name school, Mountain-something, a few from that school in Chiba.” Atobe replied, showing his list to Yuushi.
”You sure remember Fudomine, though you didn't play against them. The other two would be..” Yuushi ran his gaze over the papers. ”Yamabuki and Rokkaku. Therefore mountain? Atobe, I really admire your memory. You could at least care to remember Rokkaku.”
Atobe snatched the papers out of Yuushi's hands. ”If you are only here to leave pity remarks, you might as well leave. And why exactly would I have to remember that run-down school?”
”Because you pretend to know less then you do. Did you know that their Amane is called 'Hyotei Hyakuningiri'?” Yuushi remarked, sitting down on the table. He tilted Atobe's head upwards with a hand placed on his chin. ”Hmm?”
This time it was Atobe's turn to snort, seemingly unfazed. ”Of course I do. Was Hiyoshi his hundredth?”
Yuushi removed his hand and stood back up. ”I wouldn't know, I didn't see it. All I know is that Amane might be stupid, but he's good at tennis.”
”How do you know that, Yuushi?” Gakuto asked. He jumped up to sit on top of a bookshelf. ”You met him?”
”We've played doubles.” Yuushi stretched his arms and yawned. ”At the Junior Senbatsu.”
”..I thought you played with Kikumaru...” Jirou mumbled. ”'I'm tired.”
”That was during the tournament. And you're always tired.” Yuushi yawned again.
Gakuto giggled, then flashed a grin at his friend. ”Think it's contagious?”
Yuushi wiped away tired tears from the corner of his eyes. “I just slept bad.”
“Why is that?” Atobe asked, scribbling something down. “We have a practice-match this afternoon and I will not have any skipping.”
“I don't know, actually.” Yuushi slumped down in a sofa that stood far off in a corner. “I'm taking a nap, if you don't mind. Wake me up in time for the game, please.”
“Hn.” Atobe looked down at his papers again. Then he spoke to Gakuto, since Jirou had followed Yuushi's example and had fallen asleep. “I want all the regulars on court in two hours. Go tell Shishido and the others.”
Gakuto made a face, but sauntered off. “Whatever.”


Akutsu breathed out a cloud of smoke and scratched his cheek in thought. Never thought I'd have to go there. Huuhh.. He took another drag on the cigarette and let the smoke infect his lungs a few seconds, before letting it out with a huff. Sure mum's happy, but damn, how the hell'm I gonna pay for the fucking books. Diagon Alley's fucking expensive. He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and unfolded the paper in it. Jin Akutsu.. invited to Hogwarts school of wizardry and witchcraft.. Sengoku's naming of the school seemed more accurate to him. Hogwort.. Hogwart.. Fucking wart. If not for your fucking school, mum wouldn't have to suffer so fucking much.
He dropped the cigarette to the ground and ground the heel of his boot against it. Fifth years will need the following.. Gildroy Lockhart? Who the fuck's that? Why do I need so many fucking books by that fuck? He leaned against the wall as he fished for another cigarette. Dress-robes and robes and uniform and I refuse to get a fucking hat. Why do I have to buy so many of these fucking books? Can't I just use the old ones?

“Tch.” He shoved the envelope and supply list back into his pocket. Then he pushed the cigarette between his lips and cupped a hand around his lighter. He lit up the cigarette and let out a puff of smoke. “Fucking bloodsuckers.”

Striding down the street, he ignored the strange and worried looks his string of curses earned him, while he made his way to somewhere not at school and not at home. He didn't want to be at school with Sengoku and Dan hanging over his shoulders, going on about Hogwarts and how amazing it was that Akutsu was going as well. Neither did he want to be home, where his mother would fuzz about how happy she was that he finally agreed on going to study magic. 'Just like your dad~'
Fuck off, he might as well be dead. See if I care. He kicked away a stone and watched it bounce down the street. It was halted when it hit a human leg.
Akutsu glared at the boy who came in his way, seeing tired eyes blink up at him.
“Fuwaaah!” The blonde boy yawned and rubbed his palm against his hair. “Hii--” He yawned again. “--ii..”
Akutsu snorted and turned around, giving the stone another kick. It flew down the street like a projectile.
“Sugooi~!” The boy behind him said, sounding impressed over the sleepiness. “Where am I, bytheway?”
Akutsu glared at him over his shoulder. “Hell if I care.”
The boy pursued his lips, not caring for the fact that his question wasn't answered properly. “I've seen you somewhere.. Do you play tennis? I do. For Hyotei.”
Akutsu ignored the question and walked off. Fucking rich-boy. Then he heard someone shout.
“Jirou! Atobe's gonna go crazy if you're late for the practice-match. Why're you here? Damnit, do we need to put a tracker on you or something? !”
Akutsu glanced over his shoulder and saw that the blonde had stood up and was staring after him. He was swaying from side to side and a boy with brown hair and a blue cap had joined him.
Fucking annoying idiots. Everyone is.
Why did that Jirou-guy remind him of Dan, anyway?


Jirou turned to grin at Shishido, a goofy grin on his face. “Shishi-chan, he's cool.”
“Hah?” Shishido looked in the direction the boy he'd seen talking to Jirou went. “Cool? You hit your head or something?”
“Hm?” Jirou looked confused. “No?”
“ … ” Shishido stared at Jirou for a moment, then dragged him back towards Hyotei. “We've been looking after you for an hour now. You should have your phone on so we could at least track you.”
“Meh, it's annoying.” Jirou commented. “Do you know who he is?”
Shishido ignored Jirou and strode through the front gates. Then he spotted Taki. “Oi! I found'm!”
Taki turned around and gave Jirou a glare that promised pain. Jirou winced. “Ahahah..” He laughed nervously. “Sorry?”
“Try telling that to Atobe.” Taki growled. “Do you know how much he's been bitching since he noticed you were gone?”
“You don't have anything to say about bitching, Taki.” Shishido commented. Taki glared at him. “Neither have you.”
“Why don't you start a bitching-club?” Jirou suggested. “Who're we playing against?”
“Jyousei Shonan.” Shishido replied. Taki hissed and strode away. “Don't say stuff like that.”
“Stuff like what?” Jirou asked. Shishido sighed. “Idiot.”


“You. Are. Late.” Atobe growled. He glared at Jirou pointedly. “Where were you?”
“With Akutsu Jin.” Shishido said as he wandered off.
“He's dangerous, y'know.” Yuushi said. “He could've attacked you or something.”
“Does Jirou know how to fight?” Gakuto asked. “Or is it better to not fight back?”
“I would rather not be beaten into a pulp, but I don't think fighting back will do any better.” Kajimoto said as he cut into the conversation. “You'd do best to stay away from him, Akutagawa-kun.”
“Akutsu Jin?” Jirou asked.
“Are you even listening? !” Atobe shouted. When Jirou shouted something about 'sharing the same initials, so cool!' while bouncing off, Atobe sighed.
“It seems like he isn't.” Kajimoto said. “My team don't always listen either.”
“At least your team won't be reduced by all of its regulars once September starts.” Atobe replied.
“No. But of half.”
“Oh?” Atobe glanced at his fellow captain. “And why is that?”
“Me, Hiro, Youhei and Kouhei are going to England to study.”
“To Hogwarts?”
Kajimoto turned to look at Atobe. “You too?”
“So it would seem.” Atobe stated calmly. “It's not only Hyotei, however.”
“You wouldn't mind telling me more, Atobe?”
“Of course.”


It seemed like Kentarou had finally forgiven Saeki, though he still sulked somewhat. When Saeki promised to make sure to write often and tell him what was happening, Kentarou got a little happier though.


Now, Amane was packing his bag. His sister Kasumi was standing in the doorway, following his every move. “Do you have to be in such a hurry, Hikaru?” she asked. “I mean, you don't even know how to get to England yet, right?”
“A friend of Sae-san is going, and knows some people from Hyotei that're flying over the seas overseas.” Amane snorted and laughed at his own joke. Then he looked around quickly.
“Bane-chan's not here, stupid.” Kasumi said with a sigh. “Sometimes I wonder when you became so uncute. It was probably because of the tennis.”
Amane glanced over at her. “Tennis is tennis, puns are puns.” She just didn't get it.
“I dunno.” She shrugged. “You were just so much cuter when you were petite enough to wear my clothes. Now you're like a giant or something.”
He frowned at Kasumi, then sat down to pet Gingers orange fur. The cat sniffed at his fingers, then licked at them. He smiled and picked her up to fondle her.
“You going to bring Gin?” Kasumi asked. “She won't like it, the flight.”
“Then I'll just have to kidnap her. “ Amane said seriously. “She's mine and I'm not leaving her.” Then he giggled. “Kidnapping a cat, catnapping a cat.”
“Your jokes are too weird, little brother of mine.” Kasumi turned around. “Good luck getting her into her cage.”
Ginger hissed at the mentioning of the word 'cage'. Yes, that would be the main-problem. Ginger hated the cage. She would not be happy.

“But Nee-san didn't need to remind me of that..” he grumbled as he lay down on his bed. Sure, he didn't understand that it was weird for boys to walk around in dresses when he was so small, but still. At least they weren't pink.. Since Kasumi never liked pink, she wore all colours but that one, even if their mother had coaxed her (and him) into a very purple-pink dress. Him more times than her. He had been tricked into it with promises of parfaits.

But he loved parfaits, so he couldn't really say no.. “Aa-aah..” He stretched his legs into the air. “England, neh..” He rolled onto his stomach and picked up his still unshaped translation-device. “But how does this work? I just ask it to turn into a necklace or something?”
While he pondered, he felt the weight of the item in his hand change, and he opened it. The chunk of material had turned into something that looked like a shark-tooth in metal, and it was dangling in a thin chain. He blinked at it and pursued his lips. Ooohh..

He put on the necklace and looked at himself in the mirror. Since his shirt was partly unbuttoned, he could see the tooth shine coldly against his tanned skin. He tilted his head to the side. “Nice. Don't you think so too, Gin?”
Ginger looked up at him as she jumped down from the bed. She gazed at him, as if to say 'Are you stupid? I don't care.' She yawned. 'Give me food.'
Amane grinned at her. “Right away, Your Highness.” Then he followed her to the kitchen. I wonder if dad would let me take a parfait..


Yagyuu pushed up his glasses and hit another serve. When the ball bounced back at him and he hit it again, he saw Akaya pretend to push up a pair of none-existing glasses and serve. He hit the ball again, trying to ignore the second years antics. When he saw Akaya copy him again after he had pushed up his glasses once more, he hit the ball with too much of a force. The ball buzzed past him and he turned to Akaya sharply. “Kirihara-kun.”
Akaya caught his ball as it bounced back to him. “Yeah?”
“Do not imitate me.” Yagyuu said. “You are acting like Niou-kun.”
Akaya blinked and feigned innocence. “But I just respect Yagyuu-sempai so much, I can't help it.”
Yagyuu stared at him, a blank look on his face. “Then go respect someone else. Like Yukimura-kun or Sanada-kun.”
“But Sanada-san would slap me, and Buchou's busy being buchou.” Akaya protested. “And Yagyuu-sempai's not busy, so I thought it was alright.”
“It is bothering me.” Yagyuu said, pushing up his glasses so that they caught the sun in the lenses. “You are giving Niou-kun too much credit.”
“No he isn't.” Niou said as he strolled over to them. “Yeaagyuh, wanna practice against Girly and Baldy?”
“I HEARD THAT!!” Bunta and Jackal chorused. Bunta louder than Jackal, though Jackal was still heard.
“Very well.” Yagyuu replied. “But you are over-rating yourself. And you should not be so rude to your team-mates.”
“Puri.” Niou grinned at Yagyuu and then at Akaya. “Make sure to warm up properly, squirt~”
Akaya puffed his cheeks. “Who're you calling a squirt! Stupid Niou-sempai!”
Renji walked over to Akaya as Niou strutted away with a smirk playing on his lips. “If you warm up properly, Akaya, I would like to practice with you.”
“Really?” Akaya smiled. “Okay!”


“Akaya is looking forward to going to England, isn't he?” Yukimura asked Sanada.
“I really don't understand why it would be something to be so excited over.” Sanada said. “But it seems like he does.”
“Why do you not want to go?” Yukimura inquired.
“I.. That is..” Sanada looked away for a moment. “I didn't want to abandon you, Yukimura, or the tennis.”
Yukimura gazed up at him. “Sanada..”


Chinen returned one of Kai's shots and watched the ball hit the line behind himself as the brownhaired boy returned it. It bounced out of his reach as the speed had increased incredibly. Kai had been practising his speed, just so he could beat Kikumaru.
“Damnit Hiroshi, you should be able ta return that shot easily!” He shouted. “What's up with you? !”

“There's something up with Kai.” Rin said to Kite as he watched his doubles partner and their fukubuchou play.
“He is mad because Kikumaru is going to America.” Tanishi said. “I don't care though, I'm gonna train and beat that brat.”
“You won't be able to beat Echizen.” Rin commented. “'sides, wasn't it England?”
“Yes.” Kite replied. “It was.”
“And Hiroshi's going too. And Kai's disappointed he can't go so he can beat Kikumaru.”
Tanishi snorted. “He would never be able to beat him anyway.”
“Talking about yourself, Kei?” Kai asked as he and Chinen walked over to them. He slumped down on the bench. “Gah! Waterrr!”
“Ye're exhausting yerself too much, seriously.” Rin commented. “Match, Eishirou?”
“Of course.” Kite picked up his racket and felt how the gut felt. “Have you calmed down, Kai-kun?”
“Haaai..” Kai muttered as he gulped down water. He handed the bottle to Chinen. “Sorry.”
Chinen shook his head and sipped from the bottle. “It's fine.”
“Thanks.” Kai leaned back and let our a huffed breath. “Just a bit pissed's all. I'll be better.”
“I see.” Chinen sat down beside Kai. “Because of Kikumaru?”
“Ha! You'll never beat him!” Tanishi said. Kai turned around and hissed at him. “Shut up!”
“You can't order me around!” Tanishi protested.
“Can too!” Kai glowered
“You're not buchou!”
“Maybe not, but I'm still fukubuchou!” Kai shouted.
Rin and Kite looked at them from where they were practising. Then they looked at each other. “Another bloodbath?”


Eiji grinned and poked Ryoma's cheek. “Ochibi~ Wakey wakey~”
“I am awake, Kikumaru-sempai..” Ryoma muttered. “What?”
“You packed?”
Ryoma tipped his head to the side. “Done.”
“Aw, and I was hoping to be able to help a little.” Eiji whined.
“You'd just be in the way anyway.” Ryoma muttered. “Besides, you can help Fuji-sempai or something.”
“But-- but-- I wanted to see Karupin before we go!” Eiji wailed sadly.
“You'll see her on the plane. I'm going to bring her onto the plane with me, and I don't care what the Monkey King says.” Ryoma said, settling back. “That's tomorrow, right?”
“Well, yeah, since we're going with a bus to Atobe's airport...” Eiji then shouted. “I can't believe he has his own airport!”
“It's Atobe, after all.” Fuji said. Eiji and Ryoma jumped and turned to Fuji.
“Nya! How long've you been here, Fujiko? !”
“A while.” Fuji smiled. “But Echizen, I don't want Eiji rummaging through my things. He don't have any ability to pack.”
“So mean!” Eiji exclaimed. “Fujiko, you're so mean!”
“It's true, tough. You don't have any ability to organize things.” Fuji replied, patting Eiji on the head to comfort him. Eiji leaned into the touch, then jumped up and glared at his two team-mates with a pout. “You're both so mean!”
“Eiji..” Oishi said nervously. “Please, don't shout.”


“Fssuu..” Kaidoh hissed, looking up from his notepad. “What?”
“You don't have to be so grumpy, nii-chan.” Hazue said, sitting down on Kaidoh's bed. It bounced a little and he tilted his head to look at his older brother. “You're going away tomorrow, right?”
“Ah.” Kaidoh nodded.
“What're you writing?” Hazue asked, crawling over the bed to place his arms on Kaidoh's desk and cradle his chin against them. Kaidoh quickly pulled the notebook to his chest. “Nothing.”
“Hmm..” Hazue gazed at him, then dropped back down on the bed. “Neh, nii-chan?”
Kaidoh turned his gaze to see Hazue stare up into the ceiling.
“What's it feel like to be in love?”
Kaidoh blinked, couldn't help but blush, and he put away his notebook. “Weird.” he replied.
Hazue rolled over onto his stomach and looked at Kaidoh. “Weird, huh.. Nii-chan, you're the weird one.”
At this comment, Kaidoh frowned and hissed. Hazue grinned at him. Then he bounced to his feet and walked over to his brother, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. When Kaidoh blushed, he grinned again. “Good luck in England, nii-chan.”


For some reason, Hazue had been impatient to go to bed that evening. He went to bed early, Kaidoh saw him go into his room and turn off the lights.
When Kaidoh returned to his room a while later after having been to the bathroom for a shower, however, he found Hazue asleep in there, tucked under green bed covers. A small smile formed on his lips as he brushed a hand through Hazue's hair. “I guess it can't be helped..” he mumbled as he slipped in under the covers as well. “Good night, Hazue.”


Yuushi growled when Kenya crawled down beside him in his bed. “You have your own bed you know.”
“Kin-chan stole it.” Kenya stated and poked Yuushi's cheek. “So let's share bed like we used to.”
“That,” Yuushi sighed. “was when we were kids.”
“We're still kids, stupid.” the blonde cousin grinned. “Anyway, it's just for one night.”
“It was Atobe who offered you to go with us, not me. He should be responsible for those who have to travel to Tokyo. Not me.” Yuushi grumbled.
“Shiraishi's at Yukimura's in Kanagawa, though. You should be glad to see your dear cousin and kouhais.” Kenya rolled over and gazed at him. “You don't really mind, right?”
“Well.. You for one is annoying. Konjiki's as annoying as ever, Tooyama's still loud, Zaizen's still an obnoxious little brat, Hitouji's like he is and you too. Kenya's the most annoying one though.”
“Hey!” Kenya sat up on top of Yuushi. “I'm not annoying.”
“That's for me to decide.” Yuushi said and shoved at Kenya. “Get off.”
“But Yuuuushiii!” Kenya shook him. “You're supposed to say I'm your favourite cousin.”
“Who says I need to do that?”
“Stupid.” Kenya lay down, but didn't move from on top of Yuushi, who let out a displeased grunt and decided to just go to sleep, because Kenya wouldn't let go yet.


Next morning, Zaizen was awoken by Kintarou. “Zaizen! Wake up! Are we going yet? ! I want to see Koshimae!” Kintarou tugged at Zaizen's bedsheets and shirt. “Up! Up! Up!”
“Urgh..” Zaizen rolled over and looked at Kintarou. “What time is it..?”
“..too early..” He pulled his pillow over his head. “Take it later...” Kintarou pouted, then pounced at Yuuji, who was on the futon next to Zaizen.
“Wake up!”
Yuuji sat upright and stared around widely. “Where's the fire? !”
Zaizen's voice was heard through the pillow. “On top of you, called Kin-chan.”
“Oh..” Yuuji turned to look around the room. “Is Kenya and Yuushi still sleeping?”
“Yea. Think so...” Zaizen rolled around and slid down on the floor. “Sempai, it's too early..”
“What time was it? Seven? Then we need to get out of bed.” Yuuji shook Koharu in the futon on his other side. “Koharu.”
“I'm awake.” Koharu said. “And I've already tried to wake up Kenya and his cousin.”
“..oh...” Yuuji turned back to Zaizen. “Then it's just you, Hikaru.”
Zaizen stared up at him and blinked slowly. “Do I have to? It's just troublesome anyway.”
“Now, you've already accepted going, haven't you?” Koharu asked.
Zaizen yawned and sat up. “...'lright then...”

As Zaizen finally got out of bed, the others had managed to wake up Kenya and Yuushi. With a lot of help from Kintarou, who happily jumped them awake with loud shouting.
“Kintarou, you don't need to wake up Yuushi's parents, you know.” Kenya muttered when they heard sounds that indicated that he had. “Geez.”

They were greeted by Yuushi's mother, Kazumi, when they came down to the kitchen. She and her son looked both the same amount of newly-awake and so similar. Zaizen picked up his phone from his pocket and pressed several buttons. When Kintarou tried to see what he was doing, he slipped it back into his pocket. There was a sudden noise and Kenya was both gone and back in a flash.
“Zaizeeen!” he shouted. “What's this stuff? ! Can't you just stop it? !”
Zaizen looked up with a questioning gaze. “What?”
“Your blog! What's this, 'Oshitari-senpai's cousin in Tokyo and his mother could be sisters'! ?”
Yuushi quickly turned to Zaizen, who shrugged. “I just write what's true.”
“You just badmouth people!” Kenya protested. “Every single post you make is filled with crap!”
“No they're not.”
“Yes they are!”
“Boys.” Kazumi said. “Don't fight, will you.” She ushered Kenya back into his seat and smiled at them. “It's not good for your health.”
“Mom..” Yuushi looked her in confusion.
“Yes, dear?” Kazumi smiled pleasantly at her son. Yuushi shook his head. “Nothing.” When did she turn so... nice..?


Kamio raced past Shinji and then stopped abruptly to shout back at him. “Hurry up! We don't have all day, idiot!”
“Aa-aah..” Shinji sighed and followed without hastening his pace in the least. “Kamio is always in such a hurry. I don't understand what it is that he's so happy for. It's not as if he hasn't seen a bus before. Maybe it's the plane, yes, that must be it. It's because he's never rode on a plane before. Neither have I, though.. I wonder how it feels. Is it scary? I've read about accidents and planes cracking in the middle and ---”
“Shinji!” Kamio were fuming now. “Come on! Stop talking about scary things already!”
“It's not that scary. Is Kamio scared, I wonder. It seems like it. But what is there to be afraid of? It's not like the plane really will go off or fall or catch fire. And even if it would, I'm sure that since it's Atobe's plane, it'll be alright. Because Atobe is rich. I wonder how it is to be rich. Ah, how nice, to have a lot of money and not have to worry about food and clothes and living. I wonder if he would let us have some money. That would be nice. On the other hand, it wouldn't be nice to get into a debt-trap. But then again--”
“SHINJI!” Kamio stomped back to him and grabbed his arm. “You're too slow! Stop talking! Shut up!”
“Now Kamio is shouting again. A-ah. I wish he could stop it. He's not the only one being loud though. I wonder why people are so loud. Like that Momoshiro that Kamio always fights with.”
Kamio swore under his breath and decided to just ignore Shinji. It was better not to listen to him, anyway.


They had reached Atobe's airport. It was huge.
In front of them were the plane that was going to take them to England. That, too, was huge.
The only ones who weren't gawking at it was Hyotei, who were used to it since, well, it was Atobe, after all, Tezuka, who was as stoic as ever, Fuji, who was smiling as always, and Mizuki, who were doing very good, but not perfectly, at hiding his awe.
“Uhbyeeh..” Eiji made a small sound, then asked, at the same time as Itsuki; “Why does it have to be so big?”
“Ahn?” Atobe turned to look at both of them with a raised eyebrow. “This is my smallest jet.”
“Smallest! ?” Kamio bellowed. “Seriously? !”
“Since it's Atobe-san, it has to be true..” Yuuta mumbled. Momoshiro patted his back.
“As soon as the air plane was invented, things were looking up.” Amane said, snorting at his own joke. Then he looked around.
“Bane-san's not here.” Saeki said. Instantly, Amane stopped looking for said sempai.
“He's stupid alright..” Gakuto whispered to Yuushi, who only pushed up his glasses so that they glinted in the sun. Gakuto made a displeased face. “You're no fun, Yuushi.”
“Why don't you go annoy Tezuka?” Yuushi suggested. Gakuto stuck out his tongue at him, then went over to his mentioned boyfriend.
“Oshitari.” Atobe said. Two Oshitari's answered him 'yes?' and he sighed. “Not you.” He waved at Kenya and Zaizen snorted, starting to type on his phone again.
“What is it, Atobe?” Yuushi asked with a sigh, watching as Kenya tried to steal Zaizen's phone to stop him from posting anything else on his blog.
“Do you know when Rikkai will be here?”
Yuushi shrugged, then made a motion towards the gate. “They're already here.”
“Hello.” Yukimura greeted. Kintarou bounced over and latched on to Shiraishi, who was standing among the Rikkai-regulars. “Shiraishi! Do you know, do you know what Zaizen did this morning? !”
“Atobe.” Sanada cut off. He glared at Hyotei's captain. “I hope you do know that you cannot bring Kabaji with you, unless he was invited as well.”
Atobe frowned. “Ore-sama can do so if he wants.”
“No, you can't.” Taki said, just as Sanada was about to do the same. “It doesn't work that way.”

It took around half an hour to convince Atobe that no, he could not bring Kabaji, at least not to Hogwarts.
In the end, it was decided that Kabaji would stay and watch out for the team in the others absence.
Sengoku grinned and flung an arm over Atobe's shoulder. “Now now, Keigo-kun, don't sulk.” He poked Atobe's nose, and laughed when Atobe glared at him darkly.
“Does nothing scare him?” Youhei asked his brother.
“He's been spending too much time with that guy, I think.” Kouhei replied. They both looked over at Akutsu, who was standing a bit away from the group of regulars, smoking and trying to ignore both Dan and Jirou, who were chatting away without noticing that he wasn't listening or answering their questions respectively.


Bunta sat down in an empty seat with a sigh. “Ugh, brats..”
“Who are?”
The redhead turned his head and saw the white-haired boy from Rokkaku beside him. “Ah, my little brothers and my girl cousin.”
“Younger family members? I see. Yes, they can be exhausting, I agree.” Saeki smiled at him warmly.
“So you have younger siblings?” Bunta asked.
Saeki laughed. “No, I have an older sister, though. I know that Davide is a younger brother, though, and I've heard a lot from his sister.”
“...” Bunta stared at Saeki for a while, raised an eyebrow, then turned away with a sigh.
“He-hey..!” Saeki said nervously. Then he saw Bunta shake and heard him snicker. He smiled. This kid seemed nice.

To be continued..

harry potter, black moonlight, prince of tennis

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