Jun 01, 2004 18:29
School is almost over. School ends June 11th. Finals are from June 8th thru June 11th. I'm so pissed off, though, because I've been loaded with so much freakin' homework and projects that i leave everything half done rather than a few good projects well done and its tickin me off... i wont have as high grades this time around and i hopefully wont end up wit any C's...though ithink i'll be fine. but biology especially has loaded me up with work. its annoying the heck outta me.
but a week after school gets out i'll be off to upward bound... i will have barely any time for me and my boyfriend!
also, hopefully my best friend Krystan S. from new hampshire will be able to come up for two weeks after i come back from upward bound... so that'll be one happy thing... (>.<);;