Here's To This Crazy Thing Called Life

May 19, 2008 13:27

So yea  what can I say you know things just change a lot and the thing is at first it use to bother me but now I just go with it, it's life and the way I feel and think at this moment isn't the way I will in some years from now. I mean just going back two years ago and reading some of the stuff I would write I mean it's still my same personality but my opinions and thoughts on certain things have changed. I'm finding out who I really am and what my life needs to be all about, I'm learning not to be so close minded and that life can really suck but at the same time it can be so so sweet and breath taking and you just have to find a balance there. Most of the time it's not life but the people in it that make it what it is and you just have to learn to take from the good and the bad and make the most of it. I'm learning to not let others influence my decisions. To not get worked up over others mistakes, I can't make others to be like me, people will choose and do what they want if they fall so be it. So yea =/ cha!!
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