Writer's Block: 9/11

Sep 11, 2008 18:21

I will start this out with. The only special about 9/ll is Kaasan's bestfriend's birthday. That's all.

I would be lying if I actually said I cared. Because I don't. It was a tragic event, but there is no point in getting depressed once a year over something you can do absolutely nothing about. I completelt agree with Beth. It is the lowest of low how people are making a buck of this event. I feel for the family's who lost their loved ones. However there is nothing that can be done about it, and I am sure most of these families would prefer to not to have a constant reminder on how their loved ones died. Talking about rubbing salt into a wound. Honestly.

Now to answer this question. I would like it to be kept in mind just how close I lived to where this took place. And still my feelings do not sway. And I lived in a small town miles away from where it took place.

I believe I was in Ninth grade at that time. I can not remember in detail but I believe it was on picture day, so I was done up pretty, Suddenly over the loud speaker, they announced that a plain had crashed into one of the towers.  My class was then taken to another room, where I met up with my friends, Rhiannon.(Who by the way, is the one who ot me into anime, and drawing to begin with) We watched the television as the towers fell and so on. But I tell you right now, from day one I felt the same as I do now about it. I did not care then. Figured America did something to piss some one off, and I found it somewhat amusing then. I don't anymore. But they day holds no meaning to me. Like I have said before.

I am sure if I asked Rhi, she whould be able to tell me what exactly happened that day. I can not remember that much. But I am sick of it being brought up every year. What good do you think you are doing bringing it up? None, probably making those poor families go into the grieving process all over again. Feh.

writer's block

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