The RP Controversy Questions
RP Anon Meme/RP Secrets
What is your opinion on the RP Anon Memes?
I think they have a worse rap than they deserve. They are not never-ending fountains of hatred spewing forth from the alleged "cancer that is killing LJ RP" (as an aside, I loathe that phrase like burning). Sure, there's some wank on it, but there's also a lot of positive, and, personally, that's pretty much exclusively what I use 'em for. I mean, maybe I'm just weird, but the Anon Memes always leave me filled with goodwill and love for my fellow man. Y'know, like Christmas.
What is your opinion on RP!Secrets?
Ahah, Secret comms are kind of my secret weakness. I just like looking at the pretty pictures. :x I'll freely admit that some secrets are really stupid and some are just wankbait, but I've been introduced to some interesting things I wouldn't have seen otherwise through RP!S, so....
What is your opinion on self!secrets?
Self secrets in the sense of pretending to be somebody else commenting on something that's actually yours? I think they're very silly and kind of attention-whorey, especially when the secret maker forgets to log out. Self secrets in the sense of a secret going "O woe, I think my characterization is fail" or whatever, are more reasonable standard fare and I have no particular opinion on them.
Do you respect an anonymous’s opinion?
As long as it's not obvious flamebait, yeah. "Obvious flamebait" being defined as "being completely unreasonable" not as "being anon".
Are critiques supposed to be private?
I don't think critiques are supposed to be anything but helpful. There are certainly merits to allowing things to be public and certainly merits to having things private. I wondered this myself when I made my HMD post. I eventually settled on unscreened, but I'll be looking at other people's answers to this question to see if it might be better to go screened.
Is grammar and spelling important for crits?
...Are grammar and spelling etc., Scarfle, dear. I think some typos and slip-ups are forgivable, but I'm going to have serious issues giving proper consideration to crit that's typd lik dis lol i thnk ur chara sux.
If someone posted a secret about your playing, would you take it seriously?
I would. I might be disappointed that they didn't decide to take it to my HMD first, but if I'm doin' it wrong enough for them to take it to RP!S (and that's assuming it's a doin' it wrong secret to begin with), then I'd seriously have to reconsider my characterization, yeah.
How would you feel if you knew someone posted a comment on you?
Surprised, possibly, and, again, disappointed that it wasn't taken to the HMD post first.
What is your opinion on circlejerking? How would you define it?
I think when the exchange of compliments overpowers the things worth complimenting, then there's a problem. Beyond that, the lines are fuzzier.
What would you do if someone did not pay attention to your crits?
That's certainly their prerogative. I might be a bit frustrated by it, but, in the end, it's their playing, not mine.
If you went to a mod about another player’s characterization, what would you expect them to do? What if nothing changed?
I think it would be better to go the player in question before the mod, unless it's a situation where one wants the mod to work as a mediator. In which case, I would expect them to work as a fair and unbiased mediator. If nothing changes, then perhaps that would depend on the severity of the characterization problems. If it's seriously affecting play and they don't respond to mod intervention, then that may be grounds for being kicked out of the game. If it's a fairly minor thing, then oh, well.
What makes a good mod? What makes a bad mod?
A good mod is fair, just, even-handed, reliable, a good example, a good leader, etc., etc., etc. A bad mod is the opposite.
If a mod is OOC, would you tell them so?
If it was really bad and affected play, then maybe. Of course, IC-ness falls under the above "being a good example"....
Would you leave a RP if the mod was wanky? How would you define wanky? Would you leave a RP if the mod only RP’d with friends?
I think I'd be very uncomfortable in that situation, but having never been in it, I'm not sure I can say exactly what I'd do. Wanky is, of course, shitstorming, dragging shit around where it doesn't need to go, refusing to consider that one could be wrong, and generally being a Bad Mod. I would not leave an RP if the mod never played with me. If nobody played with me, maybe, but as far as IC goes, I don't give a shit about the authority of who's behind the pup mine interacts with.
How long should applications take before they are responded to? Is it impolite to question the time length?
I don't think they should take more than a week, and, ideally, they should take maybe 3 days or less. Personally, my nerves are wracked if I have to wait longer than 24 hours, but that's because I'm ~*incredibly insecure*~. I do think it's rude to question it, though.
What is an acceptable length for an application?
I presume this means a filled-out app? A single comment certainly seems insufficient. 2 sounds possible but is hard for me, personally, to wrap my head around. I, uhh, don't think I can talk about the upper limits of app length without being a huge hypocrite, so I'll refrain.
What is your opinion if your moderator liked another RP more than the one they were running?
That's their business. As long as they're still actually running it, I'm fine with that.
How do you feel when the journal/action post ideas are mixed?
I find that different things work for different games. As long as something isn't concretely established in the opening post, then whatever's fine for me. I find it helpful if things are established. That's one of the things I like over at dear_multiverse, really: posts are clearly labeled whether they're text or in-person and you can respond with your own preference.
What do you feel about character limits? In your RP(s), should they be more imposed?
Personally, I don't really care, because I'm not very likely to pick up enough characters to hit a limit. 8D; I can understand the reasoning behind it in the more structured RP's, I guess, but eh. *Shrugs*
What is your opinion on someone bringing their past relationships from another RP into the current one?
I don't think it really works with most RP's. It certainly wouldn't work in memento_eden or neotopia. Dear_multiverse is dear_multiverse: its basic premise is "anything goes as long as you remember to ask a question".
What is your opinion on RPs that require you to find a specific word to put in your application?
I think it's a good way to make sure the rules have been read.
How do you feel about anonymous mods?
Well, keeping in mind that, to a degree, everyone on the Internet is anonymous, I don't think it's something that's inherently bad. As long as the mods are somehow regularly contactable, I guess it's alright. A bit sketchy, maybe, but, honestly, I usually don't know who the mods are as people before I join a game, anyway.
How would you define a clique? Is a single-fandom clique worse than a multifandom clique?
Are cliques a necessary evil for a RP?
A clique is a group of people who more or less play exclusively with each other. A single-fandom clique is more disappointing than a multi-fandom one in the sense that a multi-fandom one at least takes advantage of a panfandom setting, while the single fandom one just seems... wasteful, somehow, y'know? I'd say that cliques are less "necessary evil" and more "naturally forming".
How would you feel if your canonmates were OOC?
Disappointed, certainly. Of course, not having canonmates at all is also disappointing.
Do you RP less with people who are OOC?
If I'm familiar enough with the character to know they're OOC? Then absolutely; it's mindnumbing to play with somebody when the back of your brain is screaming about how they're doing it wrong.
If you had been logging with someone, and the other person stopped, how would you feel? What would you do?
Eh, it's kind of disappointing when a thread dies when I'd been hoping to get more from it, but it does happen. And it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to be really upset about it. >.> So I just let it go when it happens.
What is your opinion on someone who takes a long time tagging?
It would be hypocritical of me to think less of someone for that, but I'll admit that it's something that I'm trying to work on personally.
Would you not watch a series if the character was played badly?
Technically, yes, in that not watching series is my general default and I only tend to watch new series if a character is particularly good instead.
Do you RP less with people who are known wankers, even if they have done nothing to you?
It's not something I've ever kept in mind, really.
How do you feel about an event that makes your character OOC? (For example, speaking in a different linguistics, etc.)
I don't think I like the phrasing of this question. I feel "events" are something that should probably be judged on a case-by-case basis. One of the thing I like about LOL's at dear_multiverse is that it's all voluntary.
How do you feel about the trend of RPing Joker from movieverse?
An oddly specific question. Not having seen the movie and not having interacted with a lot of movieverse Jokers, I can't say that I care.
Would you prefer good OOC and bad IC, or vice versa?
This is something that depends on the degrees thereof. I'd prefer somebody who's incredible IC that I can avoid interacting with OOC if need be or somebody who's really great OOC and just a smidgen off in their characterization than somebody who's really good IC and a total bitch out of it or somebody who's a total sweetheart OOC but godawful IC.
Would you date someone you met via RP over the internet?
I don't date.
Is stalking someone’s RPs creepy? Threads? Mun?
I don't think taking an interest in someone else's RP is creepy. I mean, it's writing open on the Internet for everyone to see, right? It's when you take an unneeded interest in, like, their personal life and shit that it'd cross the line.
What is your opinion on one player taking multiple characters at various RPs?
The same multiple characters? Potentially bothersome, especially if they're bad at it, but certainly not inherently bad, especially if they're not particularly popular characters.
What is your opinion on multifandom pairings?
Hey, if it happens, it happens. Whatever, I don't mind. I think it's something that works better if it just happens rather than as something the muns set up ahead of time, though.
What if the character in the multifandom pairing had a canon ship? What if the second character of the canon ship had not been apped?
If the transition is properly shown, it's fine. If it's "OH I NEVER LOVED THAT BITCH ANYWAY TAKE ME NOW CHARACTER X" then it's not.
What is your opinion on a sex!RP?
At least they're being up-front about what they want? I'm certainly not going to join it, but it's none of my business if other people do.
What is your opinion on smut in a RP?
Not my thing, I don't care if it's your thing, but it's probably wise to keep it where LJ's not going to ream your ass if little Suzie stumbles across it and little Suzie's mom finds out about it, y'know?
Would your opinion on the smut change if it was yaoi or yuri?
If you left a comment on someone’s journal and it went unanswered, would you talk to this person? What if it happened repeatedly?
Probably not. If it happened repeatedly, I'd probably just stop trying.
How would you feel about another player poking you for tags?
I think it's completely understandable, given my own slow and easily distracted nature. I'm generally much too shy to poke other people for tags, though.
What do you feel about character limits? In your RP(s), should they be more imposed?
Was there a C&P fail here?
What is your opinion on someone bringing their past relationships from another RP into the current one?
And here?
What is your opinion on comic book/manga/anime icons and real life PBs? Does this influence how you play?
Not really a particular opinion? As long as you have a reasonable dearth of expressions, really. If canon doesn't provide you with that reasonable dearth, then I think it's fine to search elsewhere. Like, I use PBs for Grif and neotopia's Simmons, because I needed armorless icons for them and using, like, fanart would A) take too much effort, B) not look very good, and C) not mesh well with the 3-D armor icons. When I play characters with origins in comics/cartoons, I use canon material for the icons. Just makes sense. And, of course, sometimes people play from live-action TV, in which case a PB is pretty much a requirement. Really, the biggest problem I've seen with using PBs is when the PB doesn't match the character.
What is your opinion on someone using fanart for their icons? What if no other source is available?
Again, if canon doesn't provide a reasonable dearth of expressions and it meshes well enough, it's alright.
If someone had ugly icons, would this influence your RPing?
Not really.
How do you feel about movie characters playing with anime characters? What about a shipping between them?
I don't see anything wrong with any of that. Original medium doesn't matter for shit once you get into RP.
Do you feel self-conscious when you RP?
I'm a very self-conscious person in general, so yes.
What is your opinion on the statement that “RPing should be fun, and therefore does not have to be completely IC”?
Maybe not completely IC, but I think that if you're not playing a character true to their original character, is it really all that fun?
What is your opinion on Death Note characters? DGM characters?
My give a shit on this subject doesn't even exist.
What is your opinion on death in a RP? Pregnancy?
It can be done. I don't think I have the cajones for either, though.
What is your opinion on dressing rooms?
I've never played in one. My fandoms aren't big enough for dressing rooms. ); I do, however, find it kind of odd to have dressing-room-exclusive pups. Well, maybe, like, a fandom OC that you couldn't justify putting in any other RPs. ...OK, I'll admit that if there were an RvB dressing room, I may not be able to resist the temptation to create an Agent Maryland for the lulz and never play him anywhere else because of what a terrible idea he'd be otherwise.
How do you feel about muncest?
What, like, self-threading? It's something I generally try to avoid doing. I've slipped into it a couple of times on dear_mun, but that's more because I felt I needed a Simmons for my Grif to harass at that very moment and mine was the only one to offer. I don't think it's something I'd ever do in-game. And, honestly, having done it on dear_mun, I have to say, it's kind of aggravating switching between accounts like that.