
Oct 28, 2008 03:15

From rinnington. Cross-posted between here and my regular journal, which is where all the icons are from, because, uh, this journal doesn't have any.

- reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons
- make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
- other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
- this will create a never ending cycle of icon glee

Ahah, Evil Skeets. Goooood tiiiiiimes. So, like, 52. End of Week 18, it was, if memory serves. Skeets had talked Daniel Carter into investigating Rip Hunter's lab and then went SUDDENLY EVIL and trapped him in it. Everybody, myself included, was pretty WTF about Skeets being evil (it was a pretty long while before it was revealed that Mr. Mind had taken up residence in him, after all!), and there was some talk about him needing a goatee and such, so I took the last page of that issue and scribbled on it some in PSP until I got Skeets in full Snidely Whiplash get-up. I had a larger version of this as my avatar at the Superdickery forums for a while. Such fond memories. This is probably the icon of mine that gets the most attention. I ♥ it.

This is a quote and image from that most infamous of beasts, the Superdictionary. The entry in full is Lex Luthor there striding around like a total doofus with the speech bubble "I have an idea I have a plan in mind. I have lots of ideas. I never run out of thoughts." This is basically my "devious plannings" icon. ...Admittedly, I have, like, 3 or so "devious plannings" icons, but.

This was basically the result of me recognizing an odd trend in characters I liked. Alan Scott, Booster Gold and his sister, Harley Quinn, and Steph Brown all have basically only 2 things in common, beyond the tendency for spandex that many DC denizens share: they are blond(e)s, and they are from Gotham. So I basically drew this icon for scratch, because it's always the dumbest ideas that I actually bother finishing :P

I need a "LOL" icon. All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder delivered quite majestically. For certain, ASBAR-only definitions of "majestic". This quote bubble belongs to Batman. And that's terrible.

Oh, man, I wish I could remember the exact original context for this. It was from one of those cute Transformers comics sites. Either Wheeljack or Grimlock was trying to explain the entire origin of the Dinobots, sourcing from both the cartoon and the comics, I think, all of which is extremely contradictory. And there was this big diagram on a chalkboard with adorable little drawings. Grimlock here is from the chalkboard diagram. I added in the heart myself, mostly because there was too much blank space with just Grimlock there. I tried to make it match, but I'm not sure it worked out too well. My "Chalk Wheeljack" icon is also from the same diagram.

Ahah, my favorite part about this icon is that it is canon. Booster vs. Lex is a not-so-secret love of mine and I do wish it was played with more. There are dangling threads of Supernova vs. Lex that should totally be dealt with! But, uh. Back to the actual icon here. This is from Booster's original series, issue 23. It was a crossover with one of Supes's comics. The basic premise of Booster Gold #23 is that Booster, immediately after getting back from his sister's funeral, is confronted with the sudden fact that Lex replaced him with a robot double while he was away in Dimension X and that his robot double has been talking shit about Supes and is at that very moment beating the shit out of Supes on TV. (The robot has Kryptonite in it, hence it being able to beat the shit out of Supes at all.) So Booster has to go save Supes from his robot double and shit. But, like, at the end of the issue, Lex is having some yacht party or whatever, and Booster totally crashes it, and he's all like, "So, hey, Lex, congrats on winning that company we were in a bidding war over earlier. I was only bidding so you'd pay twice what it was actually worth, though! :D" And Lex is like, "ajkldsfjkla GTFO!" And Booster is like, "O hai, Lex's date. Let me whisper non-descript things in your ear and then raise my eyebrow in that incredibly sexy way that I do while you agree happily before we leave and I suggest that Lex'll never get laid by a real woman ever again! :D" And Lex is like "dfjl;ajkldjkl;as HAET. I will crush this undoubtedly expensive glass while I HAET!" It is great. And that's why I adore Booster vs. Lex more than Supes vs. Lex. Because Supes can't fight Lex on Lex's terms. Booster can. Or, rather, could. I miss businessman Booster. ._.

From m_a_foxfire:

So, like, there was this company-wide crossover in DC Comics a good ways back where the Joker infected a lot of villains with toxin that made them like him because he was dying or something, I dunno. The point is that in Birds of Prey, Babs was organizing a group to stop these villains and had recruited Tim Drake (that's Robin there) and Ted Kord as part of this team. I... think this panel is actually from Nightwing, though. But, like, it's got Tim and Ted and Tim's all "I've been a fan of you for years!!! :DDDDDD" and Ted is like, "So old. So very old. ._." Mostly really I just liked the way Tim's gesturing here. This is one of my "I'm explaining things! :D" icons.

Caramelldansen~~! It's Grif and Simmons doing the Caramelldansen. It doesn't really need any context beyond that. Thanks for the excuse to watch the video again, though! :Db

Oh, man, 52. So, Booster was in disguise as Supernova, right? But nobody knew who Supernova was, of course. And Superman's missing during 52, natch. So, like, Week 22. It opens with Lex Luthor listening to, like, a report from his scientists who were theorizing that Supernova was Conner Kent, Lex's and Supes's gay lovechild joint-clone-don't-ask. But Lex is all, "No, that's retarded. DON'T YOU AGREE, SUPERNOVA?!" And there's Supernova, all right, just kinda floating out outside Lex's glass-walled building being all B| and badass and shit. And then Lex grabs a marker and is like, "Who's Supernova, huh?" and then he draws a big ol' S-Shield on his wall in front of Supernova's chest and is all "Let me draw you a picture!" Automatic icon-worthy moment? Automatic icon-worthy moment. Because, of course, Supernova is actually Booster, and I already ranted about my love of Booster vs. Lex, and this also hits the Booster-fanboys-Supes buttons, because, holy shit, Lex Luthor mistaking him as Superman had to have totally made his day/week/month. He had to have crashed epically after New Year's, though. :x ...But that's getting away from the icon. This icon sees most of its use either when I'm talking about things like Booster vs. Lex or Booster's fanboy crush on Supes or it functions as another of my explaining things icon (I explain things a lot, OK?), but usually when I think the person I'm explaining things to is being dense.

OK, so Ted Kord is dead. And, like, in All-New Atom there was, like, this weird plot thing involving Countdown where the Atom and some other guys went to heaven-or-maybe-it-was-fake-heaven-whatever. But Ted is basically, like, their guide there, and he has this adorable wing jetpack thing. But, anyway, like, at the start there, there's this conversation about dying and being dead and what that means in a revolving-door universe and such, and Ted has this line that's "Happens to the best of 'em." It seemed appropriate to slap it on an icon.

Oh, man, so, somebody did these adorable little comics with a wee adorable Batman. And there was this bit with the little Batman giggling over the word "poop". And somebody made an icon out of it. IT'S REALLY DEEP.

So I knit, right? And I have these little super-articulated Japanese action figures of Batman and Batgirl, right? And I was knitting a sock out of this yarn in a colorway named Blue Beetle. And yes, the colorway actually is a reference, not a coincidence. ♥ nerdy knitters. And I came to the realization that Batgirl's hands are just the right size to hold the needles the sock was on, so this disgustingly nerdy icon was the natural result.

From drcanadianninja:

See above for the "Poop" and Caramelldansen icons.

Just try and tell me it's inaccurate. If memory serves, this is actually an Urban Dictionary entry that somebody slapped on an icon.

INVISIBLE LOLCAT is kind of my pride and joy. Also, incredibly ridiculous. I mean, I don't have to explain the reasoning behind it, do I? I do have a larger image floating around somewhere....

This is a panel from A Death in the Family. Post-Jason's death, I think. Somebody says something dumb, probably about how the Joker has diplomatic immunity or some shit (seriously, guys, A Death in the Family is pretty much the dumbest story ever, Jason's death aside), and Batman just has this look on his face, so of course I had to take it into PSP and Animation Shop and slap some stupid text on it. I do not use this icon very frequently, because I do not usually call BULLSHIT on people. But it's nice to have.

Ahah, my favorite part about this icon is that it's so much less... incriminating... in context. Out of context, it's just Grif holding a pair of panties and looking off-screen. Which is pretty much inherently hilarious.

grif, simmons, meme, tangentially related at best, shel

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