anon meme. So I finally bothered to grab all my files from the computer that used to be mine but is now my brother's. And man, I really wish I'd been freer with saving scans from scans_daily. I only have a single page from the gorgeous cowboy AU, which is a crying shame. But there are some lovely gems in here, and I'm not just referring to Booster's ass. In a shameless effort to give this entry some kind of content beyond "HAY GAIZ I DID A MEME", I'll share some of these gems.
The aforementioned gorgeous cowboy AU page.
I love this mostly for the heights actually being drawn in. I'd say that Ted is so tiny, but the reality is Booster and J'onn are just huge.
I have no idea what the context is for this and I don't even care.
Brother-Eye: Pretty much Batman's worst idea ever.
There is nothing right about this.
Basically by the time I can tell your fashion sense is bad, you've passed into Not Allowed to Dress Yourself territory. Why Ted why.
I could write essays about everything I love about this. But instead I'll just say that getting Lex Luthor convinced you're Superman is a job well done. (...Until he commits mass murder just to spite you, that is.)
Fun fact: this issue came out the Saturday directly after my birthday. I was Sorely Displeased. Also, that is in fact genuinely Booster's corpse. So messed up.
I love superhero comics.
So, fun fact! The superhero team featured in the pages of Extreme Justice never actually went by the name of Extreme Justice! The closest they ever got was in an appearance in a Steel comic in which Captain Atom hesitantly introduced them as "Justice League... West."
Oliver Queen: Man of Wisdom.
Worst sound effect choice ever.
Rare Marvel showing!
I am the only person in the world that actually likes Black Canary's 80's outfit.
DDDDDD8 basically sums it up.
I love you, Guy.
Oh hey this is seasonally appropriate.
I love you, Ted. I also love that Ted's in Dan Garret's outfit here.
This is one of my favorite Booster pages ever. Just. That pause. He just had a completely unselfish thought and it surprises him.
Miniskirts! 8D
I'm not sure what I like more about this: Booster being incredibly clever and smug, or him being shirtless and scruffy while he's doing it.
Oh my~
I love this panel. :D
This is here purely for the pretty.
Definitely an important skill to have.
Going back to the theme of stretchy guys peeing that Mr. Fantastic started way up there?
Ollie continues to provide helpful advice.
The 90's were a terrifying place.
So much love for this page. So much.