How's My Driving? Meme
I organized Grif's character tags. Kinda considering putting some kind of marker on event tags, too, but meeehhhhhh. Most of them are one-use tags anyway. :V
I also installed Firefox fuck yeah *stretches all over LJ Login* It's good to be back. |3
To-Do List Update:
-Make sure Mom takes me out to get a haircut maybe if I have a real hair style people won't assume I'm like 15 waugh (Seriously, not a single person has found out I'm 20 and not reacted with shock.)--Progress. Haircut currently scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I. Should decide exactly what kind of style I want besides "Short."
-Bug Dad more about getting my computer fixed waugh--No progress. :|
-Reapply at Borders possibly it's probably been long enough now since the last time I applied--No progress, keep forgetting.
-Steps towards a more normal sleeping schedule dammit me you should not be going to bed after Dad wakes up in the morning you know better--Mild progress, been going to bed around 4 AM, which is an improvement over 6, if not necessarily ideal.
-Start exercising again. Just because Mom's stopped doesn't mean I should, too. Yoga and push-ups. It's hardly intensive and it's good for the back, which needs all the help it can get especially considering how bad the laptop is for it augh.--No progress, no excuses.
-Post with Grif for zombie event.--DONE.
-Think of something to write for revised first-person sample for Bulkhead.--DONE.
-Write it.--DONE.
-Work more on LONGCAT/TACGNOL scarf.--Progress, currently ~20.5 inches long.
-Update Amazon Wishlist for Christmas--DONE.
-E-mail extended family link to it.--DONE.
-Remind Jo about also sending out her Christmas wish list out to the family and also to tell Josh to do the same.--DONE.
-Edit Redcloak's NW personality section for use on a CnC app--No progress.
-Post to CnC FAQ asking about Redcloak's powers because uh yeah quite possibly overpowered there--No progress.
-Bug Shane about nice and easy recipes for beginners--DONE.
-Cook more in general--No progress. Thinking about making some scrambled eggs when I inevitably get hungry later tonight, though.
-Remind Mom to buy eggs--DONE.
-Remind self to learn to cook things that aren't eggs--Mild progress. Shane gave me pasta recipes.
-Check Olive Garden and/or Red Lobster websites to see if they have online job applications or if I should get one in person.--No progress, totally forgot.
-Call driving school again if contract still doesn't arrive in mail on Monday--Contract actually arrived Tuesday.
-Bug parents into taking me to DMV to renew my learner's.--Progress. DMV visit currently scheduled for Saturday.
-Remember to buy glue strong enough to adhere felt to crocheted acrylic permanently at some point--No progress, no surprise. Don't go out shopping much.
-Officially sort through all the yarn I got from Aunt Lisa--No progress.
-...Ask Mom if she's ever going to bake those cookies.--DONE.
-If she doesn't, maybe I should bake them myself.--DONE. Baked 'em myself.
-Christmas shopping--No progress.
-Figure out where I put my camera's memory card and/or acquire a USB cable for it--No progress.
-Take pictures of all my yarn and various projects that don't have pictures yet because all these blank spaces on my Ravelry page bother me.--No progress because of above.
-Also pictures of new haircut?--No progress for obvious reasons.
-Finish Thuban's Techs--DONE.
-Reply to shit, particularly of the love meme variety--DONE.
-Memory regain post for Booster--NEW
-Desire plot post for Grif--NEW
-Hitting on Terra post for Guy--NEW
-Give Serious Consideration to installing the software for my scanner on the laptop so I can scan olesia's birthday gift and other junk--NEW
-Draw more random chibis while I'm at it there is too much blank space on this sketchpad page (Am willing to take requests)--NEW
-Catch up on my rpcharlisting backlog--NEW
-Musebox post for Jyou and Gomamon--NEW
-Finish Earth illusion washcloth; just the ribbing around the edges left--NEW
-Steal Prof's Theoretical CR Meme thingermajig idea for CnC--NEW
-Go through my accounts and change e-mail settings to Plain Text--NEW