The best part is that Dad fixes computers for a living.

Oct 28, 2009 00:46

New RvB was awesome and makes me kind of want to play Wash again dammit. Aaauuuuuuugh want next series so bad right now that was a hideous cliffhanger.

So today on "The Status of AF's Computer and Internets Access" AKA "Why Do You Keep Saying You're Going to Disappear and Then Not Do It?"!

Dad is apparently OK with me continuing to borrow his laptop so I continue to be semi-around. (Still no LJ Login, though.) My computer is beginning to take steps toward being functional again. Sort of. Dad is working on it, but.

Allow me to paraphrase.

Dad: Look up your computer model online and find out what kind of hard drive it has.
Me: Are you absolutely sure it's the hard drive that's broken?
Dad: Yeah, it gets to where it has to boot and then crashes, it's definitely the hard drive.
Me: Alright. *Googles* It's a 250 gig SATA drive.
Dad: *Goes ~*~shopping~*~*
Me: *Derps around on the computer*
Dad: *Comes back with a 1 TB drive*
Me: ...That is an awful lot of bytes. Do I really need that many bytes?
Dad: I also got a new optical mouse for the laptop so you can stop using the touch pad. It's red.
Me: It sure is.
Dad: *Installs shiny new hard drive*
Me: Does it work now?
Dad: I haven't turned it on yet. *Grabs CD for installing Windows*
Me: Does it work now?
Dad: ...It still gives me the blue screen. The good news is you've got quadruple the hard drive space now! :D
Me: ... :| This is why I asked if you were sure.
Dad: Get up for a minute so I can actually look up the error it gives me.
Me: ... *Surrenders laptop*
Dad: OK, I see, I need this other CD that I need to get from work. Tomorrow. That should work.
Me: I am never going to have a working computer ever again. ._.

So yeah! In other news I stuck a small Bob Ross reference in one of Bulkhead's samples (and finally submitted the app today *fistpump*) and now I really want to watch some Bob Ross. It does not appear to be easy to find online, which I guess isn't that surprising, considering its age and the fact that it's a show about painting and all, but, dammit, want. :< Such a soothing voice and such damn gorgeous (and fairly soothing themselves!) paintings. And he makes them look so damn easy. So very amazing.

whine whine whine, fuck you technology, tangentially related at best, sometimes i do things offline, wash, bulkhead

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