I have arted and am sharing! Buuuuttttt before that, while I've got my Photobucket handy and all, I have a question of scale I'd like to sort out.
This is a screencap of Optimus Primal and Rattrap. Not a very good one, sure, but it's got Optimus and Rattrap next to each other, and that's what matters. See, Word of God has stated that Rattrap here is 5 feet tall, but hasn't stated the exact heights of anyone else, leaving us to sort it all out from Rattrap. The thing is that I suck at visually measuring scale. Which is why I'm asking you guys. If Rattrap is 5 foot even, how tall is Optimus?
But, anyway, arts, right. I swear, nothing improves my arting like not arting for a few months or so. It's weird. So, uh, yeah, fairly pleased with the results of these ventures. I am far from being an excellent artist, but I've certainly evolved past being a bad one. (And I should hope so; it'd be depressing to still be awful after this long.)
Hi, I'm one of those weird people that likes drawing non-human characters as humans. There are basically two main reasons for this: 1) I have a lot more practice drawing humans and therefore are better at them, and 2) I just like reimagining the designs, y'know, translating them into something different but still hopefully recognizable. It's something of a mental exercise. Blah blah blah don't judge me.
Anyway! This is
Rhinox. Rhinox is The Man. This is Fact. Totally scientifically provable. I do not think it is possible to come out of Beast Wars without a healthy respect for Rhinox. When he's not busy schooling Predacons or keeping the Maximals running whenever Optimus happens to be off-screen, he likes to smell the flowers and just... appreciate things. Did I mention the part where his weapons are fondly called
"the Chainguns of Doom" by the fandom? Seriously. The Man.
So yeah basically I adore Rhinox and have a huge man-crush on him. Which is why he's first! A dubious honor, I suppose, but an honor nonetheless. I am kind of fond of the teeth -> buttons translations. I felt it was rather clever. In other news I should probably learn how to actually, like, draw a beard I don't get much practice with drawing facial hair.
This is Richard, my character for the Yuusha Gakuen Valor campaign. Not pictured is his fairy companion, Orchid. Richard is the Chosen Hero from Another World of the Fairies, and he's not a very willing one. I am currently thinking that I am going to utilize the Transformation bit when we get to it and do sort of a Magic Knight Rayearth kind of deal with his sword and armor, where they get increasingly larger/better/fancier every Transformation. It will not, however, likely end in a giant mech. (Although a giant fairy mech would be pretty neat and/or hilarious.) Naw, it'll probably just end in, like, full plate with a Stupid Big sword. And speaking of swords, crap is it hard to manage perspective with a sword waugh I did not do such a good job with that. His sword looks shorter than it should. >:
Aaaaand back to the Beast Wars thing with Dinobot here. I drew Dinobot mostly because I wanted to draw his face.
He has a pretty great face, I think. I am rather pleased with the results! I have yet to decide whether using Manly Arm Hair as a substitute for his stripyness is quite clever or an inspirationally cheap cop-out. Also doing this design was kind of awkward if only because the only full-body reference I could find was that one picture I found on TV Tropes. You know.
The one where he's showing off certain assets. (NSFW. Possibly NSFB. Far from MISB.) Yeeeaaaaahhhh. It does get easier to ignore, at least? :V