[ Filtered to RotIK members ]
So it's been a week since I apped Mai at RotIK, and that means I can app somebody new now!
The only question is who. Our candidates are Guy Gardner and Will Powers (y'know, the Steel Samurai). The effort required to finish the respective apps are about equal, as I haven't gotten a sample for Will yet, but I'm not done Guy's history. Will has the advantage of being the one I decided to app there first, but I'm really heavily leaning towards Hyrule for him right now, and Hyrule is stuffed, and I'm sure he could work as a support if somebody wanted to app a new clan, since there's a slot open for that and everything. I guess Freelancer could work for him, though. Guy, on other hand, is most likely going to Figaro, which is pretty low on people atm.
I think I'm leaning towards Guy right now, but opinions would be appreciated.
[ Filtered to NW members ]
Somebody punch me in the face until I overcome my allergy to personality sections and finish Phoenix's. It's the only incomplete part of the app, unless somebody has suggestions for possessions to add to the list beyond Attorney's Badge, Magatama, and lots of blue suits.
Also somebody punch me in the face before I make an account for YGO Abridged Mokuba dammit guys this is all your fault. It's not even so much that I want to play him at NW as I want to make a dear_mun entry consisting of "Can I be in the RP?" and have everyone respond with "Shut up, Mokuba." s-sob somebody suggest usernames
[ Filtered to ME members and/or OotS fans ]
Like, half a year ago (literally; it was January), I mentioned that I would likely consider apping Roy Greenhilt from Order of the Stick at ME. He's finally back amongst the living and I am seriously considering it. Because I totally need to play more men in their mid-to-late 20's, right? Deeeeeerrrrrrrppppp. Am currently leaning towards
great_cleavage as a username, which is kind of surprisingly untaken. Anybody have any better suggestions before I commit?
Also thinking that if I app him, have the D&D rules actually be a memory regain. Or at the very least, the ones more specific to combat and crap. I mean, he had to go to Fighter College and all for it, y'know? So it's apparently learned knowledge instead of the common variety. Of course once he remembers all that nobody will ever take him seriously gee thanks Red Mage. It'll be fun. |3
[ Public ]
Derp derp app-this-plz is scheduled for next week. Maybe I should write out my requests ahead of time instead of floundering retardedly once I notice the post is up. Might be a good plan. While I'm at it, maybe I should make a pre-made code for, like, the HMD meme, too.
I... actually kind of like the organized feel the faux-filters give me. Maybe I'll keep it. :V
[ Filtered to people who actually give a shit when I post memes ]
→ why I decided to play this character
→ my favorite scene or bit of interaction concerning this character to date
→ my favorite original aspect about this character (world-building for ocs or head-canon for fcs)
→ the last thing they did "off screen"
→ what their last words would be if they died tomorrow
→ what the next thing I'm doing for them is (narrative, post, shelving, whatever)
» I will tell you what character of yours I'd like to play mine against
» you may ask me a free question if you so desire
List of my characters is
over here.