Y'know, I've always been a fan of murder mysteries. I played a lot of Clue growing up. Watched a lot of Murder She Wrote with my mom. I have a nice collection of Agatha Christie novels. I played 3 Phoenix Wright games in about a month.
You'd think I'd have an easier time thinking up ways to murder someone.
brb reviewing choice novels for ideas.
For the curious, Guy's target is irrelevant considering that he's definitely not going through with it and Simmons's target is whom I'm trying to figure out how to murder. (Try hovering if you really do want to know.)
I know who has Simmons's name, but I don't know who has Guy's. Nobody's taken him up on his spanking offer, quite sadly. But there are still a couple of days left in the event yet. Of course, considering how it seems like at least half the characters have decided not to kill their targets, maybe nobody will. So sad. :V
Derp derp I should work on Adrian's app more derp derp.
I'm having a lot of fun with pint-sized Grif for the age event. :3 He's such a little troublemaker. And the fallout from this'll be so fun~ By which I mean Grif and Teatime are going to be so awkward. Also Grif has parrots now. Parrots because Grif and Timmy are distractable liek whoa and also little dicks to each other so Grif never actually gave Timmy one of them. :V I think Grif's gonna end up ever so affectionately naming them Polly and Fucker. Polly being the Standard Parrot Name and Fucker being short for YOU STUPID FUCKING BIRD. Caps necessary.
I also need to plan out Grif's vengeance on Danny and talk it over with Lisa. I'm thinking Grif's going to give Danny's teddy bear to the parrots, but that can't be all of it, y'know? Danny's been giving him hell, like, all week, after all. So just destroying his teddy bear is clearly inadequate. I'm sure this will end well all around.
It's really kind of a shame that I decided doing Supernova for Booster for the age event just wouldn't work out. Booster doesn't even remember being a superhero at all yet, much less one that's done anything to justify such extreme self-loathing. There's just not enough context for it yet. (Same problem I had with the Halloween event with Grif, come to think of it. :V Man, if that event had happened this year instead of last year, I would have so much fun with it.) So instead he gets to be 19 and trying to decide whether or not to throw that game, because that is exactly the point that 5% memories brings him up to, which is perfect in its own way ohohohoho.
Also Edgeworth gets to be a total dick. Lookin' forward to that, too. >:3 Also only a year older than Booster. Aheh. ...Oddly enough, now that I think about it, Booster's only about a year older than Edgeworth normally. And Edgeworth and Grif are the same age. ...OK that's pretty fucking weird, now that I think about it. O_o
Derp derp anyway meme.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on ...
1) Where did the hot and cold thing come from?
I wanted something that would make a good username and play off my all too frequently contradictory nature. HotAndCold was the one that most easily came to mind.
2) Is there a smell that makes you just feel all awesome and comfy when you smell it?
I really like the way the air smells just after it's rained. Also, baking cookies. Oh fuck yes.
3) Have you ever been outside of the country, and if no, where would you most like to see if you could go?
I've been to Canada, inasmuch as that counts. If I could go anywhere, I think I'd like to go to Australia, though.
4) If you give a mouse a cookie, do you really need to give him milk?
No, probably not.
5) When you were a kid, what was the highest number you ever counted up to in one go?
Gosh, I have no idea. I certainly managed into the hundreds, but I don't think I ever had the patience for the thousands. I do recall, however, that early in my first grade year, we were asked to write on the front of our folders the highest number we could theoretically count to. I put 1 with an ass-bunch of 0's on mine, if I recall correctly, because I was the only one that had caught on that it all just loops, y'know, and is therefore logically limitless. I was also amazed at the simple-mindedness of the other students who had failed to come to the same conclusion.
I was not a very popular child.
(Hilariously, I am almost certain that I put enough 0's on the end that I didn't actually know the name of the number and therefore couldn't theoretically count to it. I was in some ways not a very bright one, as well.)
lilac_breeze 1. How did you get into RP?
LJ RP or RP in general? RP in general I started about 10 years ago on Neopets and have been doing it on and off ever since. And even before then, a good sign that I was a fan of something was that I had thought up a terrible Mary Sue for it. :V My age was in single-digits, cut me some slack. LJ RP, I got into through comics fandom. There was somebody I'd seen around some on scans_daily that I thought was interesting and I was looking at their personal journal and through that managed to stumble across dear_multiverse. Aaaaand tucked the information in the back of my head and wandered off. My first LJ RP account that I made was actually Booster's, for a game that died in less than a month. :V And then somebody posted to a comm I was in linking their Booster on dear_multiverse and that convinced me to hop in over there. Complicated!
2. More about your names - What does AF stand for?
This also traces back to Neopets, hilariously enough. One of my usernames there was animefreak###, embarrassingly enough. (Again, single-digit age.) A couple of years later, I joined the Transformers forums over at Seibertron.com and by that point I was pretty fed up with people mistaking me for a guy all the time, so I wanted a username that made which dangly bits I had pretty clear. So animefreak became Anime_Fangirl. And it was around then that I made the DecepticonAF username. Hence the, uh, Decepticon part. I'd actually switched from AF to HotAndCold a good while before I joined ME, but I was still using the DecepticonAF username, so when I wound up in chat, everybody just called me AF. However, I have since retconned what AF means, because, you see, I have an OC named Aestuosa Frigidaque, which is Latin for Hot And Cold. c wat i did thar?
3. You've been given the chance to ask anyone, living or dead, a question that you've always wondered. Who do you ask, and what's the question?
I-I'd probably ask Dan Jurgens how on Earth he came up with the name Booster Gold. :V Or why Booster and his twin sister are named Michael and Michelle because that always struck me as pretty weird.
4. What's your favorite food?
Oh, gosh, that's a good question. I like lots of food of lots of kinds. Right now I have sushi on the mind, though, since Red mentioned having some earlier and I haven't had any in like 2 months and that is depressing.
5. How long have you been into comics?
Summer of 2006, so, uh, about 3 years now. It. Kinda feels like it's been longer. Hunh.