In which I blather about myself. Awesome.

Jan 29, 2009 22:41

So there's some self-evaluation going around on the friendslist and, as usual, mine is both much more tl;dr and micromanaged than it strictly needs to be.

Sgt. Dexter Grif (semper_fi_bitch)
My Strengths: The ease with which I can get into character as Grif is really kind of unsettling and probably says something very unflattering about me. It's kind of fun, really, just basically turning off my self-censorship and running with it. As far as interaction goes, Grif definitely gets the most out of my ME folks, both in terms of tags and entries. Grif just has something to say more often than not, really. It's not necessarily something useful or helpful to say, but if that was the kind of thing that stopped him, he'd rarely speak at all.
My Weaknesses: I worry sometimes that I put too much emphasis on Grif's big brother-ness. And while I'm pretty sure I'm getting the "like pretty much everyone in RvB, Grif is a dick" thing across, I worry that I'm failing to show the "Grif doesn't have a truly malicious bone in his body; he just doesn't realize that not everybody's skin is as thick as his and/or that anybody would listen to him long enough to be actually offended" thing. Like, he doesn't actively want to hurt anybody's feeling, he just doesn't censor himself. Ever. At all. Another thing that is not so much a problem with Grif himself as it is a problem with my play in general is that I default to Grif, which is probably part of the reason why he gets so much more play than my other two at ME. At NW I generally mix up which friends list I check, but at ME it's almost always Grif's that I look at, despite the fact that I keep all 3 updated.
Short-Term Plans: I'm thinking that I'll have his next memory regain be, well, basically, the entirety of episode 2. Y'know, the naming of the Warthog. Grif, of course, will identify it as the Puma instead. Also, it probably shouldn't be too long before Grif notices Kid's attraction to Yuki, so it's pretty much just a matter of time before a fight gets picked somehow. Chances are no good will come of that. I am also gleefully awaiting the day Cara brings Nanoha back, just because Grif will be a total jerktown about it. Again.
The Longer Haul: I want Grif to have a pretty sizeable chunk of memories of Blood Gulch before I drop the bomb that he was drafted on him. Also looking forward to when Simmons eventually remembers Sister, not only for the probably awkward conversation that will result, but because finding out that he has a little sister and that she's in Blood Gulch of all places will temporarily kick Grif over into Serious Fucking Business Mode, which should be fun to play with. Also there's been talk of having an event at some point that involves people getting stuck for a week to the first person they make physical contact with and it was more or less immediately decided that Grif and Simmons would end up stuck to each other. I am greatly anticipating those lulz.

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (a_scented_blade)
My Strengths: I play a really adorable and polite Tsubaki. I think I get it across fairly well that while Tsubaki is tolerant and accepting of the quirks of those around her, they do sometimes exasperate her. Not, of course, that she would ever hold that against them. She provides an excellent variety from all the asshole dudes I play. Tsubaki's a pretty low-maintenance pup. She makes friends easily and I've been pretty good about having her ask for people's names when she talks to them.
My Weaknesses: She's too damn quiet. Yes, being quiet is IC for her, but not as quiet as I've had her. I really need to bring her out more often and have her interact with more people. This has been a problem for me with her since basically when I picked her up, and I keep meaning to improve with it, but I still haven't. I worry that I oversimplify her personality. I think I could use a good canon review in general, really. She interacts mostly with just castmates, which is not a good thing. I think Tsubaki is my weakest character at ME and if I were to drop one (not that I'm planning on dropping any, mind you), it would probably be her.
Short-Term Plans: I'm thinking I'll spend her next memory regain on her kusarigama mode. Then again, maybe I ought to go with her childhood. Decisions, decisions.
The Longer Haul: I should map out her projected memory regains so I don't end up running out of things for her to remember before I run out of percentage points. I should get her more icons. I should reread the manga. And maybe give watching the anime another try, I think I stopped right after the 2nd Excalibur episode? In-game, I don't have any long-term plans in particular, which may be part of why she's so relatively inactive? Hrm.

Michael Jon "Booster" Carter (future_is_gold)
My Strengths: I know everything there is to know about Booster. Everything. 8| I'm pretty comfortable with the way I write Booster. I realize that my preferred take on Booster is not the general public's preferred take on him, but that's too bad for the general public, because I'm the one playing him and of course I'm going to play him in accordance with my preferred take on him. I really like this tag in particular. It's a nice mix of Booster's natural showmanship and his irritation at his new situation. I'm actually having a lot of fun with Booster's little quirks that nobody's played with in a while. Like his habit of doling out nicknames. (In his original series, Booster frequently called Skeets "coach". It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.)
My Weaknesses: I need to have Booster get out more. Unlike Tsubaki, being quiet is not IC for him. Booster should be incredibly social. He really should be all over the place making friendly chit-chat with anyone/everyone.
Short-Term Plans: I also really, really, really need to get him on the Chinese New Year's log, dammit, me. >_o
The Longer Haul: I really need to map out Booster's projected memory regains just so I don't run out of percentage points before I run out of things for him to remember. Other than that, I intend to put off having Booster remember being a superhero for as long as possible. I also intend to abuse the crap out of his "oh cruel dramatic irony" tag. I am also looking forward to him wondering where his costume has gone, then remembering Doomsday and being all "ooohhhhhh" and then remembering the first prototype suit and being "wait, what?" and repeating that a couple of times, because seriously, the amount of suits he went through in the mid-late-'90's is just ridiculous.

Redcloak (crimsonmantled)
My Strengths: I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on what makes Redcloak tick. I think I've managed to get ahold of that perfect balance between how he's sort of emotionally a teenager still but mentally an adult, if that makes sense.
My Weaknesses: Redcloak kind of gets along with a couple of humans, and I'm not sure how IC that really is. I mean, yeah, these are humans who have responded reasonably to him instead of trying to, y'know, kill him or something, but still. :/ On the other hand, I don't really want him to absolutely not get along with, like, half of NW's cast with no chance of that changing based on just what species they are.... I dunno, dude. I also feel that I'm not being terribly IC by not having Redcloak constantly trying to escape NW, but I'm not terribly interested in playing characters constantly beating their heads against the walls of futility, y'know?
Short-Term Plans: Oh Gooooood, Xykooooooon.
The Longer Haul: I'm not sure I really have any long term plans for Redcloak. But with Xykon around soon, that'll probably change.

Agent Washington (memoryisthekey)
My Strengths: Wash is also very easy for me to play. Something about his :|ness just flows, y'know? He's a great straight man, both for the characters he interacts with and the Netherworld in general. I'm really glad I decided to give him a go. He's much more fun to play than he appears.
My Weaknesses: Same thing with Redcloak, I think that he probably should be trying to escape, but I don't wanna. Then again, what does Wash really have to go back to? He never intended to survive the end of Recon there, after all.... I dunno. Other than that, I think I'm pretty solid with him.
Short-Term Plans: Wash is going to go the Dark Assembly every. single. week. until he gets a rooming situation he likes.
The Longer Haul: Goddamn do I want a Prinny South. Wash will be filled with glee. Which, in and of itself, is pretty disturbing. NW is pretty taxing on Wash's somewhat-flimsy sanity as it is. I am kind of playing around with the idea of messing with that some, but I'm not sure I can really pull it off.

Random Hajile (randomly_ironic)
My Strengths: I think I can play Random pretty well, I just haven't done a lot with him yet, so it's difficult to categorize where I stand with him.
My Weaknesses: So basically he needs to be more active. :x Random is currently my weakest character at NW and if I was going to drop someone there (not that I am going to), it would be him.
Short-Term Plans: I think part of the problem is that I don't really have any particular plans for him. I just want to play him.
The Longer Haul: So, um, yeah. :< Random's my character that should be capable of actually getting along with people, he just needs to interact more.

In General
-I really should make note of the important relationships my characters have.
-I really ought to put some effort into making their profiles presentable.
-I think needs more active in general.

memento_eden, grif, random hajile, organization makes me feel good, self-evaluation, dude shut up self, wash, booster, pups, how's my driving?, redcloak, tsubaki, my opinions are totally important rite?, netherworld_rpg

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