So, looks like there's yet another iteration of the RP Love Meme. And because I'm an attention whore, I posted to it, but I'm not going to bother with a big fancy link this time because I am lazy. My post is
here if you are interested. Especially if you are interested in giving me crit. No one will ever convince me that I am not doing something wrong.
Anyway, that's not the point here! You know what is the point? I finally caved and made a musebox.
Now, "what is a musebox?" I may hear Sneeze some of you say?
It is, basically, a private playground. Like, let's say there's a character I want to play, but I'm not entirely sure I've got their characterization right? I throw a post for 'em up on the box, people I know I'm already comfortable playing with comment to it and by the time all is said and done, I should have a good idea of whether or not I can pull of said character. Or if somebody from one of my games would like to interact with somebody from another one of my games for the lulz, that can be done through the musebox, too. So, yeah, it's
dear_mun-ish, but smaller and without the letter-to-the-mun format. Same general level of 4th wall, though.
So, anyway! My musebox is
box_and_sphere because I am just so damn clever. Feel free to watch it and comment to stuff with your pups or OOC journal or what-the-hell-ever. My standards are pretty non-existent. 8D Making requests is fine, too. I'll be making a post with Redcloak in a bit for a test-drive. For now you can just, uhh, harass Simmons, I guess.