Dec 19, 2004 12:59
I am quitting drinking. I don't know how long this is gonna last, but I think it may be awhile. So here's why. I have been not remembering like the past few times I've gotten trashed. And that really scares me. Friday was really bad. I did a lot of pyscho things, and I don't even know everything I did. I dunno, it's good that it was my close friends, but that is also the weird part. And I feel awful about it. We were just drinking some 70 proof shit, and I had a nice buzz, then it hit me, then it was 9:30 in the morning and I was still buzzed but I had blanked out regarding about half the night. And I had the worst hangover ever...I puked a few times and felt like shit all day, even though I slept a ton. I didn't even do anything last night, just slept from like 7 pm till 8 this morning. So yeah, if I start drinking again, I am going to be a lot more damn careful cause Friday was definitely not a good thing.