Feb 11, 2008 21:50
Some nice things:
Found two dollars in my pair of socks on Friday.
Discovered I had over twenty dollars in ones on Friday.
Received a free fifteen dollar iTunes gift card for tasting a chicken on Friday (despite the fact I'm boycotting chicken at the moment. I decided it a necessary sacrifice).
Had the best sleep in awhile.
Did no homework, because I didn't want to.
Had a small little party with the Family.
Played battleship.
The Piggies won.
Listening to Johnny Cash and Madonna.
Getting a desperately needed haircut.
I remained under the radar this weekend. Family came over and we celebrated, except no Fujis. A little saddening, but oh well. Ellie is bigger... and pudgier. She's so silly. She decided to redecorate her house and pulled out the carpet. At least she's sleeping in her house, now. LA and I played where's Conway? We'd been driving for a while (on the interstate), and none of the scenery looked familiar to us. We wondered if we'd missed the exit... exits.
I've spent all afternoon on amazon.com trying to find a book to read for West. Civ. I've narrowed it down to four books divided between Pompeii and the Battle of Hastings. And the library has three of the four books to boot. Exciting news. Only to decide the topic. I really need to study for my art history test though, since it is tomorrow, after all. Although I kind of just want to go to bed, now.