Dec 12, 2004 01:32
debbie wrote this when she was high/drunk just so she cant erase it i fweel like i shoud post it.
12/11/04 11:41 pm - swimdeb - bullets
-this beat's messin me up
-ur typing vto slow
-voto slow
-my lonely heart falls
-with somebody with somebopdy
-i wanna feel the heat
-idont like wearing belts when im high
-my belly feels so mucj better
-theawatrer iis ice when the bsun is belwo hfs
-now remeday your balck with swhite skn
wre playin sdexcrey
uh huh
whast lie,m ahe ahf
upa dn dihfagjaghsdgkljsgjhgshg
-our teeth feeel so slippery
-they just dont want us to be happy
--the door is still open
river away from oyou
-dude i spilled. i spillled
-yes i do likre penis, love debbie
-im availabe.
bopppp. love y;all. liz jess amnd debbis
Current Music: whitneu houston
Current Mood: hot