(no subject)

Apr 25, 2004 08:05


I, have read ALL of the community rules and will follow them. If I do not adhere to them, I understand that I can and will be banned from the community. I also agree if accepted as a member to actually vote. Signed,

Name: Brittany
Age and Birthday: 18 Jan. 24 1986
Where do you live? CHICAGO

Do you consider yourself attractive? Not hot or anything, I am cute but not anything like I want to do her.

Do you get told all of the time just how attractive you are? What do they say most of the time? Yes, most of the time I just get hit on so it isn’t like the lame pick up lines but I like lots of hardcore and if you look around there aren’t many other girls so boys sometimes dig on that.

What physical features do you like and dislike about yourself? I am little I’m little but not small there is really nothing big about me except my hair some times

More Fun Stuff!
Are you a member of a rating community? If yes, which ones? Haha um well
_____photogenic, hair_sex hotlikecrotch, kick_ass_hair, like_shizza, lovely_woah, nonugly_chicago, and too_hip
And im a member of lots of non rating communitys

What is your favorite style of clothing? I like what I like. I used to work at a vintage clothing store so I have tons of cool cloths and I go shopping all the time it is a total addiction. Most of the time my clothing falls under 5 colors and I know that is funny considering the amount of clothing I have. More or less I work to spend money on shows and cloths

What was your favorite era? 50’s and 20’s glamour and dark colors cute girls

What is your favorite movie? Suicide club

Who are your top 5 favorite bands? Only 5? Ok here 5: Emperor, limp wrist, liars, I hate myself, Blondie because she rocks me. My answers are divers but I like lots of hardcore

More Stuff
What is your best quality? I am sarcastic and amusing

Who is your favorite female and male icon? James Dean for male icon, Marilyn Monroe
They both died with pretty corpses

What is your most embarrassing moment? When I forgot to change my speed dial and accetenaly called my ex boy friend when I really wanted to the guy I was dating at the moment and I got stuck talking to him for hours

Favorite Book, by whom? I don’t really read due to being dyslexic but I do enjoy random books like devil in the white city

If you could have sex with anyone person in the world, who would it be? I don’t know? Who ever is hot and ready. I really don’t know I have standers and it isn’t like I go screwing around with people all the time so I don’t know.

Name someone on LJ that you think is beautiful. (Specific LJ names)

What is ultimately sexy to you? I don’t get it, like what do I find sexy in life? or in a person?

Share with us something that makes you kind of dorky! I love star wars and video games

How did you find this community?

Why do you want to be a member? Because I was a mod on a community and my community disappeared so I guess I am trying to fill that void

How do you express your individuality? Individual? More or less we are all the same im an art fag everyone is an art fag. I go shopping all the time and have tons of cute clothing and im sure everyone on this community does. I cut my own hair and im sure half of the people on here cut there own hair.

Anything else you want to share? Sorry about spelling/grammar I am dyslexic and I am no good with either. sorry about the rather large size of my pictures

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