update 4 ya'll =)

Dec 15, 2004 17:40

OK so much has been goin on since my last update! Lets see where do i start...im just gona start with this past weekend! So Sunday we had a lil Xmas Dinner Party at Sarahs house...which was MUCHO fun! Sisqo was my date...lol it was cute! We played this newlywed game were our partner was our date and they were asked questions about us and stuff and out of 5 couples sisqo and i came in 3rd...not too bad considering we dont know anything about each other! lol This entire week has been so crazy! There is so much goin on! Today is SARAH'S 18TH BIRTHDAY by the way...=)! And wow what a morning i had..let me tell ya about it! Sooo i woke up at 2:30am...got ready and went to Walgreens at 4am....i bought some horn blowers and decorations! Then i went to pick up Raelyn who was THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT UP EARLY ENOUGH TO DO THE ACTUAL SURPRISE FOR SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im very upset about that by the way you lazy hoes!!! but ANYWAYS so Raelyn and I are freeezing our asses off this morning in 30 degree weather tryin to decorate Sarahs car before we go in and wake her up and surprise her! So that takes about 30 minutes right then we go in and we throw balloons at her and we scream SURPRISE and im like flickerin a flashlight in her face and we're blowin those horn blowers in her face...it was funny! so we gave her a lil time to get ready then Tara came over, better late then never! then we went to 7-11 to try to buy lotto tickets but their machines werent workin or somethin? idk so then tara took sarah to dennys to meet up with everyone and raelyn and i went to get Sisqo. So we all went to Dennys to have breakfast for Sarahs bday and it was me, sisqo, sarah, raelyn, tara, stephanie, kate, jordan, mitch, tina, and sam. it was alot of fun..well I had fun everyone was kinda still asleep lol. but it was cute! we all split the price of Sarah's breakfast then headed off the school. I had to drop Sisqo off at Cypress so i didnt wanna be "tardy" so i didnt go to school till right before 2nd period. IM SO TIRED ask anyone, i was falling asleep in like every one of my classes today. ohh well. Now im gettin ready to go over to Cypress to watch the bball game vs. Edgewater...YOU'RE WELCOME SISQO...he was so excited bout this game since Edgewater is 3rd in the state or somethin like that? maybe county...i dunno, i just know that this is a "big game" lol. ok i dunno how to make those lil links for the pictures so if someone wants to let me know how to do it that'd be GREAT! but for now...here are jsut some pictures! lol MUAH!

<3 jen

Sarah and me before the dinner party!!

ok the rest of the pictures are taking forever so i'll add those later!!!

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