my big sis and me on xmas eve...=)! <333 oh we look alike cuz people SWEAR we're like identical! i dont see it!!
ohh...the many faces of the Setaro sisters!!
Sisqo and i @ Universal...<3
the girls @ StArBuCks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vicky just heard the good news..shes Carins daughter! and Carin could not be more proud!! loL!!
and you all thought Courtney wouldnt smile in pictures...all she needed was a lil lovin'!!! <333
Carin + Jen = L<3VE
Leppy <3's Reptar oh so very much!!!
Me and the lovely stephie at Juniors partie!
you'll never see this again ladies and gentlemen...too bad i took like 2 sips and i felt like i had to throw thats the last night i "drink" lol!
Alrighty folks..thats it for now...i've just been annoyed by a certain someone sooo im gonna go scratch my eyes no..HIS eyes out! lol im jkkkkkkkk im just gonna go watch tv and ignore him lol bye!!