♥Name: Alicia.
♥Age: 17 in November.
♥Location: Springfield, VA.
♥Sexual Preference: Straight.
♥Five Favorite Bands: Counting Crows, Fall out Boy, Copeland, Saosin, and Brand New.
♥Five Favorite Movies: Moulin Rouge, Billy Elliot, LoveActually, Romeo + Juliet, and Better Off Dead.
♥Five Favorite TV Shows: Adventures of Pete and Pete, The Assistant, Gilmore Girls, and I dunno.. I don't really watch TV much.
♥Likes: Boys, really good free verse poetry, emo/scene/hxc stuff, elitism, making fun of people.. Making up stuff in my head. Music of course is my love.
♥Dislikes: 1337 [I only like making fun of it], Girls for the most part, basically everyone but a very select few.
♥Say something random..: I would marry Adam Duritz?
♥How did you hear about us?: Someone's livejournal.. I don't remember who's but they were fucking gorgeous.
♥Favorite Store?: Abercrombie and Fitch. Then American Eagle.
♥Promote us in atleast two places, and show us where: Okay..
Random Questions:
♥Whats your favorite color?: Green.
♥Would you make out hardcore with Mike and Matt: Sure, why not?
♥Whats your biggest fear?: Alot of things.. Home invasion? People who I don't know maybe?
♥Green apple or Red apple: Green.
♥Eating Style (Veggie,Carnivore,Omnivore ect.): Omnivore :[.
♥Thursday or Fall Out Boy: Fall Out Boy.
♥Have you heard of Gatsbys American Dream? If so name a song..: Yeah i've heard of them but I don't know any songs.
♥Whose the hottest / prettiest mod?: Brynn. Plus it's a pretty name.
I couldn't find a pic that I liked.. here's my site: