Name: maggie
Age: 18
Sex: female
Location: ohio
Fav Bands:(more than 5) modest mouse, neva dinova, jets to brazil, death cab for cutie, rilo kiley, the clash, tiger army, nofx, the cure, mates of state, & the sounds
Interests:(more than 5) sleeping, livejournal, myspace, thrifting, my boyfriend, cutting up old clothes to make new ones
Why would you give us a hot hot fever?: cuz i'm hot.
Views on Bush: i hate him, i think he's a deceiving, beady-eyed man
Views on Gay marriage: you can't help who you love, & you should be able to spend the rest of your life with whoever you want, why is this country allowed to be run off of the bible? there are athiest people out there who dont believe in god, or that marriage is only for a man and a woman.
Who invited you/How did you find this community?: a friend posted a want for rating communities, and this one was in there
How many communities have you been accepted into?: a few on my old names, but i haven't joined any in a long time, so this is one of the firsts
Rejected from?: ^ ^ ^
Who is your favorite moderator? And why? lostinamemory because she used to be my LJ friend on my old name
At least 3 pics behind LJ cut: