Jul 25, 2005 18:08

We finally got our internet connection back up and running.
And I had like 347 messages on Yahoo.
NOTE: the majority of it was porno spam or yahoo ads for there ass-strology
So I'm equipped with the power to surf the web and now suddenly have no desire to do so...
I've checked all my friends LJ's and replied to the ones I felt compelled to reply to.
I don't plan to do anything as of now, and I hopethat I will go out to eat someplce cool with Jess tonight.
I'm kinda tired and my mouth is FUCKED UP
My gums where my wisdom teeth used to be hurt when I open my mouth too wide... not cool
And I still haven't gotten rubber bands for my teeth, and I haven't had them for two weeks... meaning that I probably will have to triple them once I do get soem, because I wasn't supposed to go without them for more than 4 days...
I am a shmuck.
I spoke with Rachael in a postive way... that's always good.
I was calm, she wasn't vindictive or bitchy... I wonder what miracle drug dad gave her..?..?..?
End post for now...
Computers run faster without the use of a router...
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