(no subject)

Dec 23, 2008 17:08

The books lay in piles on the floor. This was pretty normal for Lucca's room, however said books usually did't carry titles like "Flames of Desire", "Passion in the Sands", and "Love's Unbound Sequence.". Lucca herself is on her bed, lying on her stomach and deep into a copy of "The Best Knight of My Life."

Her question to the Nexus forum had yielded little insight as to the components for sexiness. Since no one was around to tell her that thinking in phases like "components of sexiness" are pretty much the root of her problem, she was forced to do what she always did: Research.

Oh sure, Miss Lane had pointed out that posture and carriage had a lot to do with it. Another had suggested orchestrating some horseplay to make Dark squirm though subterfuge was never, ever her srong point. And this truly bizzarre woman called Altalita had suggested something to do with fire that seemed promising. But she realized quickly that what she needed were examples.

Well, example was certainly what she was getting. She blushed for maybe the seventeenth time and flipped the page. Unfortunately she had been so intent on reading that she'd left her PIN beacon on. Literally anyone can PIN in if they're looking for her.

open, rp

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