Gods, Masks, and Rayguns

Jun 11, 2008 01:16

Something has a hold of Dark.

That single sentence ran through Lucca's head in as many forms as it could semantically take, so loud that it distracted her enough to nearly step on a cluster of fist-sized amoebas moving underfoot. She'd lost him somewhere in the Nexus, since either he or the Thing in the Mask he'd been wearing had the ability to teleport and she did not. Now, her mind still reeling, she plodded the water-lined fringes of a displaced chunk of some universe's Atlantis, new squatters peering ominously from behind the crumbled stone architecture.

She had to do something. Track him down. Stop him before he did something horrible. Get that Thing off of him and dispose of It for good. She knew all this, but her mind was still groping to find a way to do so. Even the thought that that Thing could be more powerful than her by several orders of magnitude, wasn't registering. She's beaten the unstoppable before. She could do it again. Yeah. No matter what, she was going to have to find Dark and bring him back.

A couple zoras speed by behind her on repulsorlift speeders, leaving wakes in the ankle-depth water and startling her out of her daze. First, she'd have to find out where he was. And unless he did something worthy of Nexus Newsfeed sending out a transmission, she probably wasn't going to find out here...

((Open RP, anyone can jump in, each reply treated independently of the others. Ayop.))

open, rp, dark link

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