(no subject)

Jan 29, 2007 01:03

Lucca blasted awake, sitting up in bed, her eyes wide. She panted, taking a panicked glance around the room. Her room. With the familiar tools piled on the workbench, the warm, slightly oil-stained wood floors splashed with morning light, and the piles of books nesting around full bookshelves and cultivating dust motes.
Lucca relaxed a micron. Oh gods. She'd been dreaming about the fight again. With grudging effort she hauled her legs over the side and slumped over, putting her head in her hands and not even bothering to put on her glasses yet. Why was this happening NOW? It'd been almost a year since the battle with the Lavos core and she'd heard that horrible scream slam against her skull, since she'd felt the spacetime continuum itself construct and grate across her body and scramble her senses. She had no idea that the creature could do that when they'd ripped the core from its connecting umbilicals that linked it to the rest of the shell. She had no idea that it could stretch time to the breaking point and then collapse it down upon them--
The high, concerned voice of her mother wasn't intimidating in the least, but it still caused the teenager to leap where she sat.
"--Are you alright, dear? I thought I heard you screaming--"
"I'm fine, mom! Just... just fine!" Lucca called back, unsteadily.
"...Well, alright..."
Lucca sprawled backwards onto the bed, squinting against the morning sun thought the window. She WAS fine, wasn't she? She was alive, anyway. And she hadn't even given the quest a second thought after it was over with. Sure, she took the parties and festivals and the recognition as a hero gratefully, but whenever someone had asked her what it was like, she'd always responded with a noncommittal "Oh, it was tough, but we made it though, somehow."
She never really thought about what happened. And now, her mind was thinking about it whether she wanted it to or not...


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