Alright so only three people wanetd to help me out to mod. I do not know how long it will be but i thought it would be fun to have all three of you do it. Ill change every so often and have the next of the 3 to mod for some time. I think it will be interesting. The first temp mod is going to be...
opheliarevivedAll you have to do is
1- PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE AS MUCH AD YOUR FINGERS CAN TAKE!!! we have not got a new application in a while and i do not want this community to die. so u have to promote like woah.
2- help me pick the winners of the theme weeks. I pick it one week you will the next then me then you..and so on. I am going to say this weeks winner on friday so that means next friday when that theme is up it is your turn to pick the winner.
3- vote as you normally would do
4- last, if i have not already stampped a application you can stamp them. I wait 2 days to stamp applications and they have to have ATLEAST 10 votes. so if it has been 2 full days that an app was up and i have not stamped them. then you do it for me. Just simpley count up the votes. more yes- accepted more no- rejected
and overall just help me keep the community in line. You can change things or make up new things...i don't mind. So for now you are one of the mods. <3