Aug 15, 2005 21:47
time for an update. evie and matt had a sweet ass birthday party at evies. i thank both of you for inviting me. it was a really sweet and i got real drunk and was real high. the next day however was rough on account i was hungover. after that i chilled with matty h and stevie and it was a chill time. today i went to brads and recorded Asphera Dora tunes cause i am now a part of it. the stuff we recorded sounds real good. im pretty happy how it came out and excitied to think what you all think. tommorow i gots the math b regents again but im not worried about them cus i already passed. i really wanna to hang out with jaime before he leaves sunday and if you get this jay call my house phone cus i dont have a cell phone or just message me cus i really want to chill. iight peace bitches.