i need want a new hoodie.
i stayed up late talking to stewart and knealey. mostly stew.
then i stayed up till 3 watching the best show ever, THE ANNA NICOLE SHOW.
i swear to god that is the best show ever.
i highly recommend it.
i know adina loves it.
my neighbor is burning Underworld for me. Yippy Skippy!
my profile is all ADULT SWIMMY!
kelly and i need some new mangas to read. so far i have read some of 6 series...plus that rave master...which was EHHHEMME.
so anywho, i heard about AI YORI AOSHI, FAKE, and WISH and i really want to check them out. i have been wanting to get MARS but there are 15 in the series and i really dont want to spend $150.00 on them. and HOLY SHIT SON i have read up on the rest of WILD ACT and holy shit son, so much shit happens that you'd NEVER expect!! OMGOMGOMGOMG! there are 7 out now and i must make some money, AND A CERTAIN SOMEBODY OWES ME $$$ to buy them.
Mission: Get $$ buy WILD ACT
last night i had a dream that i had a tea party with the corpse of an old fisherman that kept ringing a bell.
i finished most of stew's layout, sorta.
cheeseisyummy the icon is great but it took me like 2 hours because my psp went all haywire. it doesnt look as good as the first 6 times, but it will do.