Friends Cut - Ya'll Know What To Do

Feb 05, 2006 08:36












Yeah, so these people shouldnt be surprised that they got cut. Don't take it personal, I'm sure you all are good peoplez, I just needed to clean up my friends list. Thank you

Top Commenters on hot_caramel15's LiveJournal
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1watch_it_i_bite 211
2uptown_athlete 155
3foolishad 154
4erica1 149
5jdalycitym 143
6____dreaboo 134
7evilkitty1107 105
8n0silla 99
9_in0c3nc3_ 91
10hardcore_hazel 7311xpreshuzx 73
12lenaslife 72
130o_sexysexy_o0 72
14_xholdmeclosex_ 66
15matthardyz_gurl 62
163nticing_d3sir3 62
17pinksp4rkl3s 60
18_inspiired 59
19x_secret_rose_x 58
20_cassyandra 57
21_xstolenkisses 51
22y0ung__b 51
23short_e92 47
24xgodsmackxbabyy 47
25angelknght 42
26ooochie_wally06 42
27s0_n_l0v3 41
28lilmizzoleskool 40
299_blue_pandas 38
30supercool_dork 37
31cupcake__x 36
32__mezmeriised 33
33catbrains 32
34frenchetiquette 32
35_recentlyvirgin 31
36buckleup4safety 31
37x0__addict 28
38pink_fetishes 27
39prettysteph 27
40___philophobic 27
41pinkdymond4eva 27
42caramel_mami 26
43atlflygurl 25
44that_korn_chick 25
45_saywhat_ 24
46it__hurts 23
47katyushak 23
48souufcakdiime 23
49______gangsta 23
50dmcrystales 22
51luv_wit_passion 21
52s3xyindependent 21
53teezmepeaz 20
54ziggy_sane 17
55satisfacti0n_ 17
56ambitious_one 15
57ii_luhv_y0u 15
58caramel_brotha 14
59tha_star 13
60infinitely_hood 13
61candiichip 12
62iambraden 12
63_braden 12
64_realtalk 12
65ilovemyryebread 12
66toyrockster 11
67lilmissriah 11
68sweetkissiz4u 11
69yelnats 10
70usmc_4life 10
71_tuppy 10
72gloryforyou 10
73l0w_selfeste3m 10
74its_caramel 10
75_morethantears 10
76sweetnchocolaty 10
77effectually 9
78______lemonkiss 9
79on_her_own 8
80mxd_shida 8
81cassi0688 8
82allwhitejs_4evr 8
83x__pr0pa 8
84twistedzero 7
85_glamerous_ 7
86couture_fetiish 6
87xtwstdtncx 5
88i_interrupted 5
89____tahoe 5
90powerful_orgasm 5
91da1oneso1dier 5
92broken___hopes 5
93oh_so_seductiiv 5
94laurdoll 5
95notevryothachic 5
96btchlove_ 5
97mylk_chawklit 5
98ruminthesun 4
99acidraine5 4
100ladysuga 4
Total Commenters: 132 (32 not shown)
Total Comments: 5181
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