May 24, 2006 19:33
So I have one week left of living in NorCal. Today was my last day at work. I didn't expect to get there and start cryin but that's what happened. They had all written me a card and everyone wrote really nice things that just started my tears. It was really weird and i couldn't stop. We had a potluck which was yummy but still kinda sad, they commented how unpartylike we were. then we went about the day and when i was leaving i started to cry again. I cried like the whole way home. I think it's cuz i started working there while i plegded my sorority so all my co-workers became a family too. Plus, in an odd way, work was an excape for me, an escape from school, dorms, and sorority life. Most of the time there wasn't drama there so i actually liked going. It was soooo much fun working there, i'm glad i'm sad rather than really happy to be getting out of there.
Yesterday i had a farewell dinner with some sisters. But it wasn't that sad cuz we're all planing on meeting up still before i leave. But again, it's sad cuz i won't be involved with such an amazing group of girls.
travis comes tonite, Paul's girlfriend comes tomorrow, Paul, Mom Dad, Grandpa and Aunt Cary come Friday afternoon, graduation is saturday and sunday we're goin wine tasting. they all leave monday and tuesday i pack up my house and leave wednesday morning, that nite, happy hour and Paul T's Bday. THEN I"M HOME!!! CRAZY!!!!!
Seriously, peace out nor cal!!!!