:1: Name- Jonas Black
:2: Age- 18
:3: Sex- Male
:4: Location- Tucson, Arizona
:5: Bands [Top 10]- Kings of Leon, The Shins, The Unicorns, Black Heart Procession, YYYS, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Modest Mouse, The Liars
:6: Movies [Top 5]- Fight Club, Run Lola Run, Coffee and Cigarettes, Farenheit 911, Deadmen
:7: Favorite word- chortle
:8: Favorite Era and Why- 70's such a rocking era, good music, and great vibes.
:9: Decribe yourself in 5 words- there are no words to describe my awesomeness.
:10: Do you dye your hair?- never.
:11: Promote us to one community and one user; list them- the mods would kill me.
:12: Where did you hear about
hot___andretro- canttouchthis
:13: Post at least 4 pictures and one 200 x 200 just in case you get accepted
class A cigarette
my friends... creeps.