stabbed in the I with a hot freye

Aug 04, 2007 02:00

so were going out now
shes my boo
and im very happy with it
i love spending time alone with her
she seems to get along with my friends
and i like her friends
the only thing is im afraid for when she see's how i can really be
like when im drunk an really stupid
when i get to the point when im embaracing
i jsut hope i dont fuck it up
but yeah
some fuck egged my house today
im a bit pissed abotu that
i mean 1) if it was jsut random then i mean its just so fucked up
you dont know who lives there
if my mom had came home an slipped on that
it would have been strait to the hospital
if it had been my neighbors house
shes an old woman
she considers taking her garbage pales back in her work out
imagine what it would have done to her
not to mention
your gonna make the poor old woman clean up your own stupidity
it just pisses me off
well any ways
much love
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