dazed and confused...and loving it

Jul 27, 2007 23:54

i took a shift that started at 12 on top of my shift that starts at 5 i figured why not?
however weathers been crappy so the night before i had to stay a bit late an wound up going to sleep at about 3am
had to wake up at 9:00
i was at work by a 1/4 to 11:00am
they needed me to work the bag room (jail sentence)
but im not about to say no to over time especially if im not necesarily staying later
so i said yes
stayed int here for an hour
started my second shift
got to work el diablo (flight 332 a flgiht that comes in an gos out heavy)
then since a the even crappier weather to the west had a break for about 5 hours and now everyhtings comming in at the same time
so its a bit hectic an im getting some more overtime
so im actually working about a 13 hour shift
an the crazy part about it
its not the first time ive done it
but the bad thing about it is
1) i wanted to see john for his bday and all but i dont know if peopel will still be out by the time i get home
and 2) last time i worked this long at least i started at my normal time so it wasnt as bad
because RONS (rest over nights) are alot easier
during the day
thats hell
but i got throuhg it
i feel like im gonna pass out
i may just die on the way home
im hopping i wont
but theres only one way to find out
i finished joannas book
an i feel very acomplished
i already started another book
i never thoguht i would atcually like reading
now im reading "the dirt" its all about motely crue
its good stuff
but constantly goes up an down with emotions but so far my favorite person in the band is tommy lee
hes the ony one that is liek down to earth an not so cocky
either way
its a good book i like it as well
an every one at work is begging to borrow the one joanna got me
an last but not least
i think im really falling for some one 
its the first time i felt like this in a while
an the funny part is shes an ex
the only problem is
shes currently interested in someone else
an me as always wound up beingt he understanding one an of coarse walked away with my tail between my legs
but its not a deffinate thing so i have hope at least
although i hate to hope against someone else
but she finds me funny
I dont think ive ever even ahd a girlfriend who actaully found me funny
(most of em think im anoying)
she makes me feel good about myself
but once again i know i have a tendancy of over thinking things an maybe im building this up in my head an it will only lead to me falling back on my ass an hurting myself once again
but i can dream cant i?
i guess the way i see it
as long as i keep bouncing back
i dont mind being so naive i as i am
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