Jan 05, 2005 20:47
Ya class of 2005 whats up. I've survived another day of what I they call school but not without somehow tireing myself out trying to finish reading this damn book for my senior speech arg. I have almost heard every song on my playlists and I'm still workin on it. Ya I can't wait for the weekend, hope its gonna be a good one I could use it. Ya I get to wear my sweet unifrom again tommorow and even though its not underarmor lol its still sick, I'll admit the pants are to tight for my tast but they are comfortable as hell, and I may just wear them out friday night, depending on what I do cause I wouldn't want to mess them up. Ya the girl cheerleaders are beast so everyone should come out and see them tonight and tommorow and support the teams of course. I just got done with my work for the night so I'm gona go to bed early to see if it changes my livelyness in the morning :) so yall take it easy, and oh ya just in case you forgot hot4u lives on and don't you forget it.
Random thoughts:
1)I have to say that pornucopia has to be one of the most ridiculously funny shows on HBO tv, and those of you who were with me on New Years, or who even watched the show before know what I mean but ya.
2)Cheerleading is fun but I still feel to akward to really get into the spirit part lol can ya believe that.
3)I have to say that everyone needs to listen to Garth Brooks atleast once in their life otherwise they just can't say anything about country music.
4)Heres a shoutout to any of the hotties out there.
5)God Bless our troops and their families.
6)If you know what "Girlhead" is please explain a.k.a Lauren and Jocelyn.....
Quote: "Where the river flows"-Collective soul But another good quote is "Hey, tell me what happened tommorow ok" - good old vdawg