Health Care

Dec 24, 2009 15:11

Wow, what an invigorating discussion (debate?) happening over at the Orlando Sentinel's Blog. My favorite post so far:

Free market: Book stores. Public Option: Libraries
Free market: UPS and Fedex. Public Option: US Postal Service
Free market: Private trash collection. Public Option: City trash collection
Free market: Private school. Public Option: Public school
Free market: Body guard. Public Option: Police
Free market: Private health insurance. Public Option: NONE Why?

Is health care a luxury or a necessity? Is trash collection a luxury or a necessity?

(By the way, you're a practicing socialist every time you buy a stamp to mail a letter or bill. Why? Because you paid the same price as the guy who sent his letter across the country even though yours went only 2 towns away. You subsidized him, and eventually he'll subsidize you.)

If you think for a nanonsecond that I'm going to shop around for the best price on lisinopril, you need your head examined. Why? Because it's a necessity. Should I shop around for the best price on a plasma TV? You bet. Why? Because it' a luxury. Price controls for necessities, free market for luxuries. Enuf said.

Follow the whole discussion and the Commentary that started it all here.,0,5623164.column,0,7982132,comment-display-all.column
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