Ok so my email wont work and I dont have a printer in my room so this is just for me so I can print it from my other comp...please ignore unless you just wanna read my stupid english assignment haha.
The Hobbits in Hell
Frodo Baggins, the protagonist of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, seems an unlikely candidate for eternal damnation in his amiable character. Yet upon close examination, one may find that the interpretation of Hell as represented in Dante’s Inferno classifies Frodo as belonging there. Frodo is a wrathful and sullen hobbit. He never ceases to complain about the burden of carrying a measly little ring around, and becomes increasingly unpleasant as he claims his burden of the ring grows stronger. Frodo should be put into the fifth circle of Hell, The Wrathful.
Samwise (Sam) Gamgee seems like the ideal hobbit. He is continuously portrayed as friendly, brave, and loyal. Yet this squeaky clean exterior is all an act for Sam. In reality, all Sam cares about is Rosie Cotton. He incessantly thinks of nothing but Rosie and lusts after her uncontrollably. Even when he is lying next to Frodo after the ring is destroyed, as they are surrounded by lava and certain they will die, all Sam can talk about is Rosie Cotton. When Sam and Frodo get back to their home in the Shire, Sam blatantly seduces Rosie right in the middle of a pub. For this, Sam belongs in the eighth circle of Hell, The Abyss (Geryon). Here, Sam would be punished by running in opposite directions while being whipped by demons.
Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck tries to hide his feelings for Pippin Took throughout his journey. Yet the fact that Merry is in love with Pippin is impossible to ignore. Merry’s love for Pippin could be construed as violence against nature, which, according to the levels of Hell as presented in Inferno, would place him in Phlegethon, the seventh circle of Hell. As punishment, Merry could never cease movement.
Peregrin (Pippin) Took belongs in the third circle of Hell. He is extremely gluttonous. Pippin is constantly eating or thinking of doing so. He even gets upset when he does not get his “second breakfast.” Often, other hobbits have accused him of taking their food when they were not looking. Pippin’s punishment for Gluttony would entail wallowing in the mud and being gnawed on by Cerberus.
Bilbo Baggins would go straight to the fourth circle of Hell, The Avaricious and the Prodigal. Bilbo hoarded a ring for years and years. The ring began to consume his life. Eventually, he cared for nothing except this “precious” ring. Bilbo was avarice in his obsession with the ring. His punishment for this would be eternal jousting with boulders.