Jan 12, 2010 02:02
So another year is upon us and much has changed since this time last year.
The biggest change is that I am happily in a relationship and have been since last June. I met Cory at Origins and we have been seeing each other ever since. Funny how when you are not looking for something it just kind of happens. I am very happy. Now I do wish that we lived closer together but for now he and I travel back and forth between Cleveland and Buffalo as often as we are able.
I started school last week and it seems to be going well. I need to locate some old records and that is going to be a challenge but hopefully I'll figure that out.
Starting to consider looking for a new job but staying within the Cleveland Clinic health system. The management where I am at is out of control and has no respect for its employees. It is very frustrating.
I am about 40 lbs lighter this year than I was at this time last year so that is definitely a positive.
I have reconnected with a lot of people from my past and this has been overwhelmingly positive but very strange. I have moved a lot over the years so I know a lot of people from all over the country and knowing how much I have grown since I knew these people has been positive.
So overall the new things in my life are good and I can live with things at work for now, so all in all I am in a good place right now.