Title: The Seventh Rule
Pairings: Hosu (main), Yoosu, Yunjae, Jaesu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/romance.
Length: Oneshot. 7145 words.
Summary: Junsu follows the rules.
A/N: Written for
onew for the
hosu_yongwonhi fic exchange. Prompt as used in fic as well as 'I always try to forget how much you've changed me. Well, I just never could.' and 'On the paper, she had written 'you' and she told me 'that's the list of the people who are standing too close'. Sorry it took me so long. Idek anymore. But it's done. Finally.
Junsu likes straight paths because they lead him directly where he wants to go. No nasty detours, no giant stop signs; just him heading down a long road that will eventually end at his destination. )